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Rather new to the CK and have a quick question

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I have been testing around with it for a few days and have mustered a few ideas for mods. Currently working on one modifying the Far Harbor weapons, but I've come to a bit of a snag. Nowhere online have I been able to find out exactly how to add a new directory to the object menu. I can see every of the default options fine, but for the mod I am trying to do some ammo-type conversions for the Lever action. Thing is, I assumed that I'd be able to add a directory to ObjectMod/AttachPoint/Gun that was not one of the pre-existing Barrel, Bolt, Grip, Mag, Muzzle, Receiver, Scope and Sight so I could for example use the advanced receiver with choices of different ammunition types such as .44 to be optional rather then change the ammunition type of the Lever Action to use said rounds obligatory.


A swift response would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

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If you're wanting to be able to do ammo swaps through modifications to your weapons, look at the mods attached to the hunting rifle which uses .308 but can switch to .50 cal. The necessary tags will be located somewhere in those files, though I'll be damned if I can remember exactly where. Anyway, just copy the format that you see on those weapon mods to any other weapon mod you're interested in.

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