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Blender distorting mesh on selection/rotation


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For some Oblivion meshes, I've found that when trying to select (especially with the Brush tool) or when rotating/zooming, the mesh will get all distorted, stretched out in one direction (generally vertically), but then pop back the next time I adjust the view. This makes it very annoying to try and select things. I have some screenshots to illustrate the problem.


Image 1


Now, imagine I have the brush tool activated, and I am about to select the faces in the bottom middle of the dress. I push the mouse button, move the mouse to the right and...


Image 2


...that is what happens. I have not adjusted the view at all. As soon as I started to brush select, the mesh distorted and ended up selecting all sorts of random things.


This also sometimes happens with regular right-click select, and for some meshes, doesn't happen at all.



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