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Bashed Patch and TES5Merged Patch causing CTD before main menu


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so, i've used both of them repeatedly before this but for some reason if i have either one it crashes before it hits the main menu. there's no errors in either, hasn't been any problems before now, nothing. if i remake the TES5Merged every time i play it's fine, but for some reason it keeps breaking. it's literally the exact same patch every time, just won't work after closing my computer down once. bashed patch i can't use period.


anyone every run across a problem like this before?

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You're welcome. This is what I found in another topic :


<Why does tesedit say merged patches are unsupported?
If your merged patch contains changes from an incorrectly made mod skyrim will crash. That's not the merged patch's fault its skyrim/the mod's. The tesedit team was tired of complaints about it so they put the warning in.>


  • I suggest you load half of your mods with Tes5edit, beginning by the end of load order and create a merged patch. Place it at the end of your load order, untick your bashed patch and start the game. Do it untill you find the culprit. You may also take a look inside of the merged patch itself to see which mods are involved, this will help.
  • Make sure you're using the good mods >> Dangerous mods list.

Good luck.

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also done both of those things dar


mator smash, i've noticed, actually overwrites some things badly and doesn't necessarily level list things correctly unless you go in and manually fix things, and doesn't actually connect anything the way it needs to with the linking/chaining feature. unless you go in and manually connect all of the records together since it's still not a fully supported program in that regard. mator himself warns about that, and i watched his videos about it. i'll try it and see if using it's patch will even work or not.


and actulaly, you do need those patches with perkus based on what i've found because perkus messes with weapons and human enemies/anything with a weapon or armor. anything not being touched by those two things is left completely unchanged, which includes things like creature changes. that's what i've found in the perkus thread/forums.


which leads to another problem i've discovered.


any patch, be it bashed, TES5merged, patchus maximus, asis, (mator i haven't tested yet) i can load the game once and it'll be fine. if i quit the game and try to play again later it's a ctd before the menu shows up. but everything plays perfectly fine for one play session that lasts for hours. i'm seriously confused by this i have to say.

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Perkus maximus is a nightmare with its setup. Along with one of the worst patchers around IMO lol.


Consider Ordinator instead. Waaay less hassle.


Dirty Weasel has a great video on advanced perkus maximus installation on YouTube tho. If you insist on still using perkus.


Make sure your load order is correct following raulfins guidelines.


Dont use any leveled lists with the merge patch (wrye bash does a better job)

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well, i've gotten the patcher to work fine the last 6-7 times i've run it. the problem was literally every single patched file i'd make caused a crash, didn't matter what it was. merged plugins included. and that didn't matter what combination of files i was merging, even if it was something completely unassociated with the listed files below. like merging patches for ELFX for instance. so apparently there was something very abnormal and odd going on.


i have, however, narrowed down what was causing the problem. it was something in the campfire/frostfall/ineeds/tentapalooza/expanded scirmshaw set that was causing the problem. everything's working fine after removing those.


anyway, thanks twizted. i do appreciate the suggestions. if i run into more problems i'll consider switching over to ordinator. especially if they're to do with perma. i've actually had more trouble getting asis to work than perma though, to the point i completely gave up on it.

Edited by Madzookeeper
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