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Marker For Merc Missions?


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So after a while of playing a different PC to see the quests for the vampires and Imperials I switched back to my main PC and began exploring different mods. After a wee bit of time doing that I started coming across the random mercenary who has "word of some trouble" again. Having recently picked up a dungeon pack I inquired her as to where the trouble was. She directed me to one of the new dungeons. Some time later passes and I run into another. This one directed me to a different location. Only problem is that I don't know which one it is, because it was one I already found. This causes me to get the "Map updated" notice, but no clue as to where this location is. Knowing that this happens in vanilla Skyrim as well, I am wondering if anyone has made a mod that adds a quest marker, or a note directing the player to the location of said trouble.

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