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TES Construction Set editting weapon stats.


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Ok, I'm attempting to try and alter a Mod weapon, ( http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=oblivionmods.detail&id=1063 ) to be exact.


What I'm trying to do is edit the weapons damage and speed, and I do manage to do this and I do manage to get the altered mods to come up in OBMM, however when I'm in game and go to search for the edited weapon in the designated places, ( IC District Market crates. I've put it in numerous crates to help make finding easier.), I search all the crates and come up with nothing.


I do have the original sword equipped and it functions properly, although retains the older stats.


And yes, I have been to the visual store and that enabled me to bring the .esp file to my data in order for it to appear in OBMM.


I've tried editing the weapon under different names a few times, and I DO have some different files and mods in the Data folder. Should I delete these and the original mod and start over, or is there just something I'm missing, or is it even possible to alter mod weapons stats at all.


I've tried searching for tutorials and threads, but all I've come across were modding original weapons and not mod weapons themselves such as what I'm attempting to do.




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If you're putting them in the vanilla crates themselves then your weapon will be overwritten when the crate contents respawn. Best to make a renamed copy of a crate, put your weapons in that crate and then place it somewhere in the Market District.
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Ok, I'll give this a try, thank you!


Edit: Didn't work for me.

I even went as far as to deleting all the mod files I'm trying to use and starting over and even placing the upgraded weapon in the same room as the original.

Edited by Varendis
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