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Magic-launching sword


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If the way it would look isn't very important to you it's fairly simple to make for someone with some modding experience. But if you want it to look "cool" then you'll have to persuade some talented people to help you - which implicates you'll have either to do some work on your own or pay them money. :D
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Actually, there are some significant problems related to this. First you would need an activator to cast the spell, an activator which is always moved directly in front of the player. Since such things aren't always responsive, particularly durring battle, it may always be in the wrong spot, or may cast the spell too late. Second, for any target spell to be used, a target must first be designated. For any target to be designated, it must be either hit with another spell (or enchantment) which tells the activator to cast a spell at to cast the effect you want on the target which was just hit, or you would need to do quite a bit of math to try and figure out where the player is looking, make corrections for any offset on the activator, and hope it is close enough. You may also be able to just have the activator rotate in a similar fashion to the player, but this may be even more buggy. Essentially what you have is a complicated system which doesn't work well no matter what you do, and isn't nearly as effective as just casting the damn spell. Even if you could find another way, it would likely suffer from the same problems, it would either require additional steps to define the target, or it would be slow to respond, or be unable to hit where you want it to. Anything like this would simply be too script heavy to be of much use, no matter what it may look like. And don't say "OBSE", there are too many people who use OBSE who don't understand the implications of what they're doing. The only OBSE functions which might allow for something like this are actually worse than the standard methods.
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Couldn't you make it work this way: Use quite a bit of math to calculate the direction in which the player is looking, place two activators, very close to each other in front of the player, and have the first one (the one closer to the player) cast the spell targeting the second. The thing I'm not sure about are the triggers that would activate the script, I don't know which parameters change when player is swinging a weapon and if there exist such a trigger that would be activated just in time for the spell to come out blazing just as the sword is swung.

A few other ideas on how to do it but they are a little too suspicious and stinky so I don't really have a reason to write them here as well.


Oh, and don't worry, I won't say OBSE. :D I tend not to speak of things I know next to nothing about.

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