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Windows update stuck


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Hello, I'm new and frustrated. I apologize if this is the wrong place to ask but I'm new to using forums as well. Is anybody familiar with the Ultimate boot CD? If so, can somebody tell me if it can help me overcome my issues with Windows 7 updates getting stuck?
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This is a game site, not a windows help site. Most of the members here are not windows experts.

I recommend you see if you can find a solution on a windows help site.


I am familiar with the ultimate boot CD. It may help, but many of the fixes on it are fairly techy. It is mainly intended to help when you cannot boot windows at all - It can be used to repair the Master Boot Record (MBR) if that is your problem. The MBR is only used to boot though and doesn't have anything to do with updates. It will probably not be able to help with windows update.


The most likely reason for Win Updates to no longer work is some malware modifying one of the win files to prevent an update from blocking the malware.

You may consider reinstalling Windows - be sure to back up your game files first, and run a good AV scan from someone like MalwareBytes.

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Thanks for the help. The thing is I just did a reinstall of Windows and the first thing I did was try to update it and it just kept searching forever for updates it said were available! If updates are available then why is it searching? Any ideas where I could find help? I'm still very new to PC exploration and I don't know who to trust.

Also, how do you enter those little quotes at the bottom of your replies that show all the time?

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Windows 7 update checking has been unreliable for quite some time for alot of users. I recently did a fresh install of Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate and used a 3rd party program called WSUS Offline Update to get it patched up to date. You can tell it which updates to download, like windows 7 64 bit or 32 bit or whatever and it will download them all and then check your pc for which ones you are missing. It takes awhile but works very well. I suggest using the auto reboot option for installing updates. They have a forum too if you have any questions.


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Windows 7 update checking has been unreliable for quite some time for a lot of users. I recently did a fresh install of Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate and used a 3rd party program called WSUS Offline Update to get it patched up to date. You can tell it which updates to download, like windows 7 64 bit or 32 bit or whatever and it will download them all and then check your pc for which ones you are missing. It takes awhile but works very well. I suggest using the auto reboot option for installing updates. They have a forum too if you have any questions.


Yeah man, that's what I ended up doing as I was in your same situation. I couldn't figure out why Windows Update wouldn't work on a fresh install. That offline update worked like a charm but I had to be patient when it did that part about verifying id's of missing updates. Took like 2 hours and I kept thinking the thing was frozen.

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