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Very Very SLOW Doors, gates, & sometimes containers


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I'm wanting to make sure I have this straight ... so you renamed your 'MySave.obse' to 'OAF_MySave.obse' so that it corresponded to your 'OAF_MySave.ess' that OAF_Fixer created when it fixed your 'MySave.ess'. Right?
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I'm wanting to make sure I have this straight ... so you renamed your 'MySave.obse' to 'OAF_MySave.obse' so that it corresponded to your 'OAF_MySave.ess' that OAF_Fixer created when it fixed your 'MySave.ess'. Right?


Yes, there are two files, one is OAF_Save 206 - Aragorn - The West Weald, Level 150, Playing Time 421.47.06.ess, the other was a corresponding one, Save 206 - Aragorn - The West Weald, Level 150, Playing Time 421.47.06.obse which I first copied then pasted, renamed to add OAF and removed 'copy' addendum.


My save games are ridiculously large, 5.3 MB. Could there be a problem with that? I know it takes forever it seems to load a new cell.

And btw, my game hours accumlated by keeping the game running while surfing the web, like now for instance , or sometimes aac, (asleep at computer), or afc (away from computer).

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OK, thanks for the info and the clarification. I followed your mention of cdan's post on the OAF mod comments thread, but wasn't 100% clear. I've never had to do that when fixing my saves, but I also don't have any mods loaded that affect graphics. I'll keep that bit of info in mind for down the road.


5.3 MB doesn't strike me as overly large. My main guy's latest save is 5.26 MB with over 1200 hours on it. Every so often I run OAF on it again, usually when I'm first seeing graphic anomalies (the torches held by either legion riders or the couriers are usually the first place I see them ... little 'flame trails' behind the torch).


I'm not sure I'd leave the game running while you're 'away'. My concern is mostly for the well being of your games non-essential NPCs. If you were away while your character is in an interior I don't think it makes much difference, but if your character is outside of a building or city you could be losing NPCs that travel between cities. My observation is that they are immune to interference by bad guys and beasts except when your character is in the same cell or an adjacent cell. Then they'll need your help to stay alive. If your player character is there but you're not a the controls, when their AI schedule has them walk by a spawn point for bad guys they'll be attacked and if they are killed somewhere off the beaten path you'd never know it. When I started a new character to try out a more efficient leveling system I was absolutely floored by how many NPCs are missing from my main guy's game, and that's with me either exiting the game or leaving it with the menu open while I'm away from the controls for longer than a few minutes.

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