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Y no mods for pretty males?


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Trying to put Skyrim in a historically correct frame is futile. It has dragons and elves in it for crying out loud.


Unfortunately, we really dont have any other frame of reference to use when trying to put it in context. And history is very accurate at portraying just what effects a lifetime as a lumberjack with no power-tools, or mercenary in pre-industrial civilization, would look and act like.



Specifically in response to dpgillam: the whole "I am a badass and people who can't cope with my opinions are wusses" thing really grinds my gears.

That whole "badass" $h!t is your projection. (well. tours and lucario's) You hate it? then stop projecting your bigoted bias at me. I speak rough. It comes from too many years of trying to pound common sense onto moronic 18 year olds that only understand beer and nookie. after so long, its become ingrained habit. I refuse to apologize for it. As "da bruthas" say, "Im keepin it realz". Or, more intelligently put, If I have to accept you as you are, with no right to expect change, and its "ebul" and bigoted of me not to, then your own logic demands the same of you.


And yes, you're wrong. No one has ever "catered to me". None of my wishes were ever granted. Those idiotic bigoted lies you rampantly prejudiced tell yourelves to justify your obsessive and irrational hate are just that, lies. Now, maybe if my last name had been clinton, trump, pelosi, sanders, obama, bush; you know, at least half-white, rich in the relm of hundreds of millions, with relatives controlling (and abusing) the full power of the government...

well, then maybe the lunatic hate your spouting might have some justification.

Bit, thankfully, Im not related to any of those as-holes. So, no. Your wrong.


"I don't understand why anybody wants porn mods for Skyrim because I'm totally well-adjusted and have a bajillion RL sex partners, but at least the ones that appeal to straight men are ok because [reasons]". It's total bull. People claiming not to care about something, yet somehow finding the time to list all of the reasons why it should be ignored, are clearly invested in the status quo.


as I said. In each post.

You want it. You make it. Otherwise, stfu. The fact that you see that as some kind of prejudice, "upholding the status quo" and all the usual SJW bull$h!t simply confirms your bigotry. We mod authors dont make what doesnt interest is. Sure, I hear ideas I agree with. Doesnt mean I have to make them. your own comments


I have personally wanted to use an in-depth male companion for several years, but I simply don't have a wide enough skill set to make it happen. You want a mod that lets you change the wallpaper in Breezehome? I'm your gal. You want a well-voiced NPC? Not so much.


Makes the point better than anything else.

My point, yet again, is that if you


wanted that bishi in a speedo, (yes, example made for humor, not actually intended to describe tastes) you

would have read the tutorials and MADE it by now, instead of focusing on wallpaper for breezehome. (not that there's anything wrong with a wallpaper mod. Shoot me a link, please, as Im in the middle of redecorating)


If all this just hurts your feelings too much for you to understand the point, thats ok. I get that alot. Re-read Baduk's post. It makes the central point, and far more politely, than I could.

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I do apologise to everyone for the rambling, angry gibberish that was my previous comment. I was enraged by a thread on another forum, feeling sensitive about the topic and projected the attacks in that thread onto this one. I just reread this comment and it was also totally unecessary, so I'm taking it all back and just focussing on what is actually relevant to this thread. There's no excuse for me flinging my rage from elsewhere onto people here. Seriously- really sorry everyone; I was being a complete douche.






I have personally wanted to use an in-depth male companion for several years, but I simply don't have a wide enough skill set to make it happen. You want a mod that lets you change the wallpaper in Breezehome? I'm your gal. You want a well-voiced NPC? Not so much.


Makes the point better than anything else.
My point, yet again, is that if you


wanted that bishi in a speedo, (yes, example made for humor, not actually intended to describe tastes) you

would have read the tutorials and MADE it by now [...]



I know how to make it. It would just suck because I'm not very good at characters. They're passable as bit-part NPCs but would be rubbish followers.






You want a mod that lets you change the wallpaper in Breezehome? I'm your gal.


I'm actually curious about that now. I'll have to check your work out xD




not that there's anything wrong with a wallpaper mod. Shoot me a link, please, as Im in the middle of redecorating


It's not finished yet, but I'll put it up when it's done.

Edited by NorthHare
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gay or straight tho i just dont understand why turning skyrim into a medieval porno is so popular.


Funny where this went :smile:


The vanilla ladies really look worse than the wood-texture behind them. It is just part of the common retexture setup in the game.


For female I use UNP+Mature Skin+UNP Female Armors (which has the option to give all of them vanilla underwear, because I hate looting otherwise...)

For male I use SkySight Skins

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I know how to make it. It would just suck because I'm not very good at characters. They're passable as bit-part NPCs but would be rubbish followers.

Got me beat. Im not even entirely sure how to make it. And then there's the fact that Vanilla NPCs arent as ugly as the ones I try to make *shuddeer*

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I know how to make it. It would just suck because I'm not very good at characters. They're passable as bit-part NPCs but would be rubbish followers.

Got me beat. Im not even entirely sure how to make it. And then there's the fact that Vanilla NPCs arent as ugly as the ones I try to make *shuddeer*



I've been using Automation Tools for ages now to avoid the literal hours of twiddling it takes me to make a non-deformed NPC. Very handy.

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I'll add my 2 septims worth on this one:


I have 2 daughters and obviously 1 wife. -aka- 3 Females.


It is amazing how all 3 of them see what is " pretty " - " Hot " - " Handsome " and so on in a guy. Meaning, what is physically " good " in one eye, is not always the same in another eye. Looks are very subjective .... there are indeed some mods that are out there ....


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

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Which eye? Its a giant floating eyeball with tentacles that have eyes; you'll have to be more specific. And why does it hold beauty, instead of gold or something more practical? And how do you get the beauty out? Carve it open? Just poke it in the eye(s)? Id suggest kicking it in the wing-wang but as a floating eyeball, it doesnt have one.... And what exactly is the beauty? If I go through all that work for some lipstick or eye-liner, Im gonna be pissed.




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Wow, this thread is getting a bit heated, lots of points, some I agree, some I don't but this thread has little to do with what I agree with or not.


Yesterday I watched a You Tube on "Tropical Skyrim" - and the reason I am chiming in here at this point. Lore friendly or not, effective armor or not, realistic or not - I don't care! The player decides what he/she wants. However, in the video there are all these males wearing "snow friendly" attire while all the females are in beach wear! Really!


Yes, there is room to balance things that a bit so in that sense, I respect the opinion of the original poster and somewhat feel there is scope for some more modding to be done by those who would be inclined to do such.

Edited by freddagg
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm really enjoying Males of Skyrim. The mod is of same quality as Bijin Warmaidens/Wifes and both work well together.





As for the body and textures, it really depends on what body system you want to adapt to. What I used for vanilla never nude:


Subtle Male Skeleton

Better males (+Younger Faces optional file)

Ethereal Elven Overhaul (with patches found on nexus)


For SoS the only "delicate" option would be Slim male body by Fiszi.

This is great but only works with hearthfire so...

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