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Papyrus - Weapon script not working

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A kind coder on another forum has whipped up some code for me but I can't seem to get it to work. The aim is to 'damage' the player's AP by a certain value if they fire a weapon outside of power armour. (with intentions to add a few more conditions, such as nullifying the penalty if using a certain receiver etc.)

As I am and artist and only have a small amount of coding experience, I'd like to humbly request a more experienced coder's help. Here's the script;

Scriptname MagnumRevolverRifleAPPenalty extends Weapon

Weapon Property theGun Auto Const
ActorValue Property ActionPoints Auto Const

Event OnInit()
    Self.RegisterForAnimationEvent(Game.GetPlayer(), "weaponFire")

Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, string asEventName)
    if((akSource as Actor).GetEquippedWeapon() == theGun && asEventName == "weaponFire")
        if(!(akSource as Actor).IsInPowerArmor())
            (akSource as Actor).DamageValue(ActionPoints, 5)    ;Maybe a GlobalVariable for customizability?

I guess my first question is, how do I go about properly using this in the CK? I went into my WEAP file and added the script using the scripts box in the bottom right of the window. Is this correct? The script might even be working if I could put it in the right place.

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Hows this work for you?

Scriptname WeaponFirePenalty extends Weapon

string WeaponFireAnimation = "weaponFire" Const
int ValueCost = 5 Const ; Maybe a GlobalVariable for customizability?
ActorValue Property ValueType Auto Const Mandatory ; you must "fill" this in the CK

Event OnInit()
	Actor kActor = Game.GetPlayer()
	RegisterForRemoteEvent(kActor, "OnEquipped")
	RegisterForRemoteEvent(kActor, "OnUnequipped")

Event ObjectReference.OnEquipped(ObjectReference akSender, Actor akActor)
	self.RegisterForAnimationEvent(akSender, WeaponFireAnimation)

Event ObjectReference.OnUnequipped(ObjectReference akSender, Actor akActor)
	self.UnregisterForAnimationEvent(akSender, WeaponFireAnimation)

Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, string asEventName)
	Actor kSubject = akSource as Actor
	If (kSubject)
		If !(kSubject.IsInPowerArmor()) ; not in power armor
			kSubject.DamageValue(ValueType, ValueCost)

its generic enough where you can specify the ActorValue type such as stamina or Health or whatever on the properties window in the CK.

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Doesn't seem to be working I'm afraid. Pasted it over my script in the Scripts/Source/User, went into CK and assigned ActionPoints as the value, compiled and went ingame but nothing happens when I fire the weapon. I'm guessing I am putting it in the right place though?

Edited by TheRizzler1
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Ive got to run to work now but maybe you could try adding smoe debug tracing to see if the functions/events are being called. Ive assumed the animation event names are correct but since I havent tested it myself it could be any numbers of mistakes I missed. Hopefully someone else can jump in and help too.

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Okay, thanks for helping me! I have some C# experience but none for Papyrus. Even if I figured out how to add debugging commands I wouldn't know where the log is to check them, haha


edit: unless it's just the ingame console? hmm

Edited by TheRizzler1
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Try this code block instead(it's the "skyrim way" which is still valid for Fallout scripting in most areas). No need for equip events, unless you're wanting to recieve animation events from a specific weapon. Then states would be needed, because UnEquipped still might fire before OnEquipped.



Event OnInit()
RegisterForAnimationEvent((GetReference() as Actor), WeaponFireAnimation)

Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSender, String asEventName)
Actor kSubject = GetReference() as Actor

if !(kSubject.isInPowerArmor())
; Should exit if player is in power armor
    if akSender == kSubject && asEventName == WeaponFireAnimation
        ; if the expression on the left is false, function exits.
        kSubject.DamageValue(ValueType, ValueCost)


As you're wanting this to run all the time, no need to unregister for it either, though you can to be on the safe side.

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