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SPECIAL check for equipment


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Hello all. Very new to the CK and find myself stuck on a noobish question. Say I wanted to require that a character has a strength of 10 in order to equip a weapon or a piece of armor, how would I go about that? Would it require a script or is that a built in function I just happen to be missing? Any help will be appreciated. Thank you all for your time.

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You make a script on the weapon in question.


The script would be something along the lines of:

Scriptname Namespace:NameOfScript extends ObjectReference Const

ActorValue Strength

Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)

    If akActor.GetBaseValue(Strength) < 10




Note that the actor value for strength should probably be defined through the properties section of your script, which you can access by double clicking your script in the CK.

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