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Riften Blacksmith Stuck on Riftwield Manor Balcony...


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Now, I'm not exactly sure how this happened... but I was in Riften, and I waited for a few hours so it'd be daytime and I could buy from the blacksmith, who was next to me at his forge at the time. After waiting until noon, I realized something was wrong. I couldn't find him anywhere, so I entered into the console the player.moveto (his refid) command to find him. Turns out, he has somehow ended up on the balcony of Riftwield Manor.


He can't get out, because the door is barred from the other side. I tried to find an entrance into the house, but every entrance appears to be barred from the other side. Could anyone give me a suggestion on how to get him down? xD He's just sitting there constantly trying to open the door, lmao.


EDIT: Forgot I posted this. After unsuccessfully trying to push him to go through the wall after TCL'ing him, I just sprint shield-bashed him off, hahaha. Had to pay a fine, but 'twas worth it after I heard him say: "If you try to kill me again, I might have kill you... you've been a great friend, that means a lot to me!"

Edited by HelloStranger
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