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Invisability and Eye Glitch


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Hey all,


I just noticed this on my character the other day. After coming out of invisibility (I don't know if it it has the same problem with other races, I'm using a Breton) the eyes will become distorted. The pupil will seems to be swirled while on the eyelash it seems shards of ice or glass will be present. Is this happening to anyone else, and if so is there a way to correct this.

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Yeah it's happening to me too. (Using Imperial.) :\ I only use Shadowcloak of the Nocturnal for invisibility, so I can't say if it happens when I'm just using a potion or spell. I have a somewhat annoying workaround that'll only work if you're on the PC. I can suggest entering showracemenu (which brings up the character creation menu you have at the beginning of the game.) into the console in order to correct it, however it will reset some colors on your character (skin, lips, etc.), which you'd have to correct. If you're on the PC and choose to do this, just a word of caution, do not change your race in the menu, (even switching over for a second to look at them) or your skills will reset. You'll be fine otherwise.


That's the only workaround I have now, not sure what to do if you aren't on the PC. P:

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