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New to DLing Mods and AM SO LOST omg


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Please someone help, I want a few mods, and I found some i love but I'm more of a visual learner and i tried to look it up on youtube and got so confused it was ridiculous.


so if someone can point me in the right direction or something that would be awesome and i would love you forever!


Erm...nvm, i found NMM which is so freakin awesome, but i don't know how to delete this so if a manager or someone who can does, thanks a bunch :D

Edited by RedSineya
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I personally use Mod organizer as so does a vast number of others. It has a very good selling point. It keeps your mods separate to the main Skyrim game files. This allows you to tinker with your set up with out corrupting your game files, Pretty easy to use. Hell If I can fumble through using it I reckon a three year old should be able to. Then head over to this thread. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4746935-new-to-modding-need-a-hand/

That should give you a great start.

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1st - I've heard " good " and " bad " with M.O. Mod Organizer.

.. I would suggest ( NMM ) Nexus Mod Manager, since you are saying you are a beginner. NMM is as easy as it gets.


2nd - Know your computer limits. There are some great mods, but not every mod will be ' great ' on your computer.


3rd - You would be surprised at how many do > NOT < read the description page of the specific MOD and thus MISS the REQUIRED 2nd Party Mods - DLC's" Hearthfires, Dragonborn - Dawnguard. Yes, I still know some players who do NOT have all 3, even now.


If you have not yet played the game fully ... do so before you start applying Mods. This will give you a feel of the game and ideas of where you would like to " go " in the next play through. ( If you have, ignore the prior statement. :confused: )


Just a word of strong advice: Again, I could care less what or how you play your game. But I cannot tell you how many times I've been PM'd for help because of games CTD - ( Crashing To Desktop. ) 99% of the time, yes it is that high. The issue was Nude / Sex Mods. I even started calling them - Sexually-CTD.


There are some great tutorials on NMM - just Google it and there are YOUTUBE videos that will visually walk you through it, step-by-step. :cool:

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3rd - You would be surprised at how many do > NOT < read the description page of the specific MOD and thus MISS the REQUIRED 2nd Party Mods - DLC's" Hearthfires, Dragonborn - Dawnguard. Yes, I still know some players who do NOT have all 3, even now. :cool:


Yes, agreed. But there are more: SKSE, SkyUI, and the Unofficial Patches a.k.a. USLEEP and the U HD patch.




Just a word of strong advice: Again, I could care less what or how you play your game. But I cannot tell you how many times I've been PM'd for help because of games CTD - ( Crashing To Desktop. ) 99% of the time, yes it is that high. The issue was Nude / Sex Mods. I even started calling them - Sexually-CTD. :cool:


For me it's been graphics mods, such as Realistic Water Two.


Edited by HalloweenWeed
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Going to steam, with its "one click" is the simplest. But I (and many here) dont like their policies. Thats more a modder issue, but it does affet mod users, since We're here instead of at steam (some are on both).


Nexus mod manager (NMM) is the second easiest for a single play-through experience.

MO takes some work, depending on your computer skills.


Everything depends on your computer vid card, really. If you can only run the low settings, stick to 1K and lower graphic mods, with the rare 2K. Otherwise, go nuts. I dont do 4K because my HDTV doesnt show much difference between 2K and 4K.


Start slow, with only a few, and add as your find your groove. Enjoy!

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I dont think its right to say when people have crashes its usually "X" mod. Particularly RW2.....thats one of the most popular and most downloaded used mods on nexus..........i HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY doubt it would be as successful as it is if it was poorly made and causing CTD's........not too mention the fact that users would be reporting it...which isnt the case.


people have CTD's because they download NMM completely clueless and start hitting the big green button installing anything that looks cool to them. Then they will blame a mod as the problem when actually its because they didnt follow instructions and have no clue what their doing.


While having NO understanding of sound modding princibles and a lot of times even their own computers hardware capability.


I could write a full page on why is Mod Organizer is the best Mod manager for skyrim and fallout.....but it will fall on deaf ears.


If everyone followed STEP.......there wouldnt be nearly as many posts everyday of "HELP!!! i installed 50 mods and now my game crashes"


Another misconception is that STEP is for beginners.....it sure helps beginners but its definitely not just for beginners. STEP princibles and guidelines should be used by everyone.


Rant over.

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Going to steam, with its "one click" is the simplest. But I (and many here) dont like their policies. Thats more a modder issue, but it does affet mod users, since We're here instead of at steam (some are on both).


Nexus mod manager (NMM) is the second easiest for a single play-through experience.

MO takes some work, depending on your computer skills.


Everything depends on your computer vid card, really. If you can only run the low settings, stick to 1K and lower graphic mods, with the rare 2K. Otherwise, go nuts. I dont do 4K because my HDTV doesnt show much difference between 2K and 4K.


Start slow, with only a few, and add as your find your groove. Enjoy!


The biggest problem with STEAM and MODS is that they " auto-update " the mods without any real warning and thus can lead to CTD's - until you can find which Steam Mod they " updated ".


That is why I caution big time: ONLY USE STEAM MODS WHEN YOU HAVE NO CHOICE. I have taken my Steam Mod list down to 15 Mods, that still seem to be Steam only.

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True, jjb. I tend to recommend it as "training wheels" for someone completely new, and then suggest no more than 10 mods, and switch up to get the hang of how different mods change the game. Steam is .....well, it sucks for almost everything, but its a good tutorial for people interested in really modding.


Twisted - Your right. I do tend tosuggest Steam as the next step to teach basic modder skills to new members. It has a great list of awesome mods, well categorized for play style, already tested for compatibility and stability, all in one spot. You could stick to STEP forever and never have a boring game. Its great for new people and experts.


But, there are mods that go even further, as you develop your own play. And eventually you need to strike off and explore.

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