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How does James know where Vault 112 is?


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I'm writing a Fallout 3 fanfic as a proof of concept that I CAN write, and I have a question, a really serious question that kinda hinges on where the story is going to go:


How does James know where Vault 112 is?


Did he get that info from the Vault's mainframe, or did he meet Pinkerton and find out from him, or is it from some other source?


I ask because James' description of the place is vauge and then there's the whole issue of access codes and such. So I need that explanation or like most of my gameplays, this is the point to walk away from the main quest and do sidequests until taking a visit to Vault-Tec headquarters. Yes I know the Vault-Tec Mainframe doesn't give you the location of Vault 112 but I'm pretty sure that's an oversight.

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He got it from the Brotherhood when he was working with them to build Project purity



If they knew where a perfectly intact Vault was, why not take advantage of that? More importantly, where do you find out THAT little nugget in game?

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Sorry double checked my facts. He got started on it through vault 101s overseers PC. Read the project purity journals 5-10 to get that info. Everything else is mostly speculation.

By the way journals 6, 7, and 9 dont exist...

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Yeah i find it to be odd that the vaults would have anything on the others but it is explained. Each vault has details on several of their neighbor vaults so that if an issue were to arise where they leave the vault because something broke they can find another. This typically listed what supplies they should have and important people in this case the creator of the GECK.
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