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Why is this texture not updating?


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I am attempting to replace the texture on this object:



But each time I have tried, the texture remains set to default.

How do I get it to update to the new texture?
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Because .nif's for Fallout 4 get their texture information form the .bgsm file not the textures in "Textures" path any more (with a couple of exceptions)

You'll need a material file editor (there's one here on the Nexus) and change the path in that file to point to your new texture, then it should update ... You may need to hit "Reload" on the .nif file in Nifskope for the changes to the .bgsm file to show up.

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I managed to get that file to update it's textures with the information about the BGSM.


Now for the next one that is being problematic:


I am trying to replace the textures on the top of the stairs and the front of the stairs.

I looked for the BGSM file, but I cannot find it to modify.

Or the links to that file inside this NIF.


Does anyone know how I can edit the textures of this object?

Edited by Tilarta
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After a bit of tinkering around, I found the BGSM and the textures to modify.
The problem with the BGSM was that it was an unexpected file (vault ulitity pipes) and I was editing the wrong texture (vault floor tread).

Why a pipe texture file also includes a floor texture file isn't logic I could make sense of. :huh:

I think the mesh is now ready.
I want to check ingame to see if my modifications to this object worked, but as my game requires F4SE to play and that's non-functional at the moment (F4SE/Fallout 4 version mismatch due to FO4 patch), I'll have to wait a few days to see if it did work ingame.

Edited by Tilarta
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