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Homosexual Marraiges


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  White Wolf said:
  cmac said:
Clarification: If the standpoint is defended from the beliefs of an Atheist, then there should be no trouble in homosexual marriages. I personally do not believe in god- and I am indifferent to both sides, as both have failed to procure an argument suprerior to their opponent.

I would agree with that - I don't have a clue who or what is up there, or if anything is at all. :P


I think of the children (adopted children) raised by the married couple. It would be awkward for them to grow up with knowledge of their parents' orientation.


I would disagree with that. They would be exposed to homosexuality day in, day out and would regard it as nothing special or unusual. They may find it awkward if they are adopted at a pretty late age (ie early teens), but that's about all.


The pro-marriage argument says that it harms no one. This is true. But if a previously hererosexual husband leaves a marriage with children to marry into a homosexual relationship, I believe that is injurious and unhealthy.


But it could also be said that this was going to happen even if homosexual marriages were illegal - sooner or later, the wife was bound to find out her husband was gay, and then she may leave him. The only situation this would really apply to would be if the husband was bisexual, and I would say that this would be exactly the same as if the husband was heterosexual and decided to leave his wife for his mistress.


But, as long as family and friends have no objection, then a homosexual marriage should be a legal event that goes without any raised eyebrows.


Personally, I would go one step further and give homosexuals exactly the same marriage rights as heterosexuals - even if friends and family do have objections, provided they aren't legal ones (ie one of them being married to someone else), then they should still be able to get married.

White Wolf, GOD EXISTS! It is my opinion and belief. God was against homosexuality and he condemned all who were apart in it to hell. He is still against it today, read the Holy Bible. Its all there. Read it all you can get one for five dollars. If you don't believe it still then my work is done, I can't force you to believe it but give it a chance, you certainly are entertaning the thought of no God.



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I pains me to have to shoot down one of my own team members.


White Wolf, GOD EXISTS! It is my opinion and belief. God was against homosexuality and he condemned all who were apart in it to hell. He is still against it today, read the Holy Bible. Its all there. Read it all you can get one for five dollars. If you don't believe it still then my work is done, I can't force you to believe it but give it a chance, you certainly are entertaning the thought of no God.


This is so off topic it's gay. No that would be on topic. Please keep your post gay. You did however mention how god is aganst homosexuals, but we are debating the morals and reporcusions of homosexual marriages not what god thinks, that is the answer for every debate and I'm getting tired of it. Your entighted to yur opinion, but your opionion has already been stated by all the other christans, and god beleivers. Your post would have been a better PM

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White Wolf, GOD EXISTS! It is my opinion and belief. God was against homosexuality and he condemned all who were apart in it to hell. He is still against it today, read the Holy Bible. Its all there. Read it all you can get one for five dollars. If you don't believe it still then my work is done, I can't force you to believe it but give it a chance, you certainly are entertaning the thought of no God.




Wrong. God does not exist, and in any case, is irrelevant to this discussion. The simple fact is, you have absolutely no right to force your personal beliefs onto anyone else. And therefore, homosexual marraige should be given the exact same rights as any other form of marriage. So please, save your preaching for someone who cares.


PLease, we shall not put the God in every debate and word here. It doesn`t sound nice to call Him at every occasion, does it ?


But in this debate, its unavoidable. The only objection to homosexual marraige comes from religion. If you ignore religion, than the only valid choice is to make it legal.

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The homusexual should not get a merrage. I dont know why but I agree that stand in the holy bible, that god is agains it. I dont say i bieleve at god, but sometimes I may wonder i mean things has happened that noone could explain. But with the homosexual merrage has came in a later time, for a long time ago people was punished if they were homosexual, and there may not be any idea to punish them but they should not be avable to get a marrage.
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hmm I don't know....why does god hates them? does it stands in the bible because here is something (i'm not religious btw) if he hates them why does the bible says that we must love everyone even our enemies...about the merrage I think that much ppl think it's weird because it's not common...you don't see it every day and what should be wrong with a merrage it's just a symbol of 2 ppl loving eightother and want to be connected or something :P but still it's kind of weird (not worng but weird) because you don't see it every day...
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@Geonox: The bible says that homosexuality is unnatural (no animal is homosexual). That's why it is considered a sin in the bible.


But I think you shouldn't discriminate someone because he is homosexual. Jesus was always together with those people considered sinners in the time he was living (whores, thieves etc.) and didn't condemn them. So why can't the christians follow the example of Jesus and stop condemning everyone? Is it love to discriminate someone? As I remember, the bible says that we should love everyone, even when we don't agree with their actions. And christians are certainly not showing love when they condemn and discriminate others. What some conservative christians do today is certainly not what Jesus intended, I can only shake my head, when I see other christians act like this.

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You make a wonderful point. I agree that Christians need to follow the example of Jesus and love thy neighbor as you love thyself. But, there is such a thing as Godly anger. Jesus displayed it when he was in the temples and he was angered at the high priests for using the churches and temples as aplace to make a profit.

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  hundinman said:
White Wolf, GOD EXISTS! It is my opinion and belief. God was against homosexuality and he condemned all who were apart in it to hell.

You're free to believe that, and you may even be right. All I am saying is that it is possible you're wrong.


He is still against it today, read the Holy Bible. Its all there.


Even if the bible is the word of God, and not just a total invention of man, it was filtered through the mind and understanding of man 2000+ years ago and has undergone numerous editings and revisions since. This being the case, can you honestly say that you know the mind of God so well that you can say without a doubt that the modern bible is absolutely exactly what God meant and said, and also that His views on homosexuality have not changed at all since those words were written?


Read it all you can get one for five dollars. If you don't believe it still then my work is done, I can't force you to believe it but give it a chance, you certainly are entertaning the thought of no God.


Actually, I already have given it a chance - I used to be a committed Christian. ;)

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