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Replaces the item even with diff slot


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hi guys. im using this mod http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53494/? and i have a problem with the bra and skirt. whenver i equip one, it replaces the other. any help?i tried changing the slot of the skirt into the tail slot but it becomes invisible xD it used to work but after a few quests it stopped.

these are the mods that i recently installed:

-pretty sit idle

-new animation for magic casting

-relationship dialog overhaul

-skyrim flora overhaul

-sword of ancient tongues


tried disabling them but nothing good happened.

i use the cbbe version of the mod btw if that changes anything. :)


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Using Tes5edit try to choose a slot among 44 to 60 except 50 and 51. Once loaded, expand the mod subsections in the left pane. Expand armor subsection, find your item and once selected, see in the right pane BOD2 - Biped body template. Edit it, chose your slot. ctrl + s to save and close. Try in game and repeat operation untill you find the right slot.


Hope this helps.

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You're welcome. What did you change in nifscope ?

I can answer that.


Open the NIF file in question

In Block List window

  1. Locate the NiTriShape for the particular mesh instance needed to be modified
  2. Expand the NiTriShape
  3. Highlight the BSDismemberSkinInstance

Go to Block Details window

  1. Expand Partitions
  2. Expand Partitions (yes, there are two levels)
  3. Edit Body Part entry

If the object in question has both _0 and _1 NIF files, be sure to edit both. The number used in the NIF file MUST be used in the ArmorAddon form or it will be invisible. Other slots can be selected in the ArmorAddon form if desired.

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You're welcome. What did you change in nifscope ?

I can answer that.


Open the NIF file in question

In Block List window

  1. Locate the NiTriShape for the particular mesh instance needed to be modified
  2. Expand the NiTriShape
  3. Highlight the BSDismemberSkinInstance

Go to Block Details window

  1. Expand Partitions
  2. Expand Partitions (yes, there are two levels)
  3. Edit Body Part entry

If the object in question has both _0 and _1 NIF files, be sure to edit both. The number used in the NIF file MUST be used in the ArmorAddon form or it will be invisible. Other slots can be selected in the ArmorAddon form if desired.


Good to know, thanks.

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