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Shout that adds perk points

Eternal Outcast

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I actually like that the perk system forces you to make a choice, but the perk system is far too limiting and I end up ignoring whole trees like speech because points are few and precious. And while the requests for more points per level up make sense, I feel that would kill some of the challenge.


I'd like to see a new Shout, learned relatively early in the game (High Hrothgar maybe) that would add a perk point whenever used at full strength, but also reseal itself so that to use the shout again would take another 3 dragon souls. Basically a good way to convert all those souls you get once you have every shout into something useful, or even an alternative to learning shouts you never plan on using while in the early game. I might try to add this myself when the kit comes out, but I haven't really made my own mod before so I'm throwing the idea out to the ones with skill.

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