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Imperial VS Stormcloak


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Yes, I was aware about Revan being male in the comics but that's not 'game' canon - that's comic canon. Even the Dragon Age comics establish Alistair as King and Loghain as dead, but your canon could very well be the other way around. In my head canon for Mass Effect the last 10 minutes were Shepard's crazy fever dream as she lay dying beside Anderson, watching the Crucible deploy - at that point it doesn't matter if the galaxy is saved or not, you know that you did your best and came a long, long way from the person you were when you started out and that's the only thing that matters on the doorstep of death.


Yep! I saw the 3some offer - I thought it was the priest's hallucination at first, haha. But it's really nice. I'm enjoying it a lot. I do like Jarl Earl Haraldson, he reminds me of Balgruuf for some reason, though I don't imagine Balgruuf would've done what he did to the little boy! Eek!

Oh I had completely forgotten about the Dragon Age comics and novels. You're quite right - they do run over the game and introduce their own unyielding lore. I think I ignored them because most fans seem to think that the games have priority over the books, while in Star Wars is the contrary - I remember seeing some pretty heated debates on forums about both games, in the DA we would have "well, the novels are an AU like every player can have one" while in SW it was more along the lines of "omfg this is canon u so stoopid it was in da book" . I'm trying right now to find David Gaider's comments on the whole issue of canon. If you come across anything of the sort, I'd appreciate it.


Mass Effect's ending was such a bad trip. I haven't played the third game yet because of monetary/computational woes, but I couldn't avoid the spoilers - ended up watching the three endings. Are you talking about the original ending or the expanded ones? Also, I'll stop talking about it here. I was just yesterday reading the forum rules and "posting about unrelated matters in a thread" counts as spam. So next time I'll just pm you, if you don't mind. :biggrin:



And so, to save this post for being complete spam.... Uh.... OLOL Stormcloaks RULEZ. Just kidding. I actually have a question.


Does anyone know why in the CreationKit we have a "friends" list for each character, and Ulfric's lists an Argonian? I cannot check right now but I think it was Scouts-Many-Marshes, which makes little sense as he's quite glad to see Ulfric dead. Regardless of who it was (and maybe the relationship level was in fact "enemy" and I misread), I find it strange that they included it as Ulfric doesn't interact with many characters. He never leaves the palace at all except for the final battle.



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No wonder Galmar sic'ed his brother on beating the crap out of all dem scale-skins! I KNEW there was a scandal there, I just KNEW IT. Ulfric that rascal! Now I know he'll appreciate a complete set of Lusty Argonian Maid vol 1&2 as a gift.


sisterof, feel free! I'd love to have a conversation about ME at any time. There's also an interesting conversation recorded between Vignar and Balgruuf in the CK that never occurs because they never meet. It's likely an oversight I think,

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Im loving 'Vikings' I absolutely love it. Im glad Rollo didnt betray Ragnar like I anticipated.


I also just finished reading "A Dance with Dragons" by George R.R. Martin. Im pissed. But I love the series. "A Song of Ice and Fire"


And I just bought "The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrun" By J.R.R. Tolkien. So far its amazing.


Whats the "CK", and this dialogue with Vignar and Balgruuf? Im interested.

Edited by HighkingUlfricStormcloak
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I watched the first 2 seasons of Game of Thrones and it compelled me to get the books. Damn. The best thing I've read since LotR. If only Ulfric was more like Eddard Stark I might've signed on.

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I hate Eddards fate, a damn shame. But I love Jon Snow, and Robb, but if you've finished "A Storm of Swords" then well

My last Characters name was Eddard Stormcloak. Ulfric's long lost Brother. Now I'm Tormund Giantsbane. All my characters are related in some way to GoT. Mance Rayder, Jon Strong-Crow, Robb Early-King, Benjen Banditsbane.


By the way . . . . . Does anyone know how to insert a picture? I cant figure it out.

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I watched the first 2 seasons of Game of Thrones and it compelled me to get the books. Damn. The best thing I've read since LotR. If only Ulfric was more like Eddard Stark I might've signed on.


You mean waaay out of his depth and almost DoA? :p Though, come to think of it he was a bit DoA at the start of the game. I think Ulfric is closer to Mance Rayder, not precisely but generally speaking. I read the novels years before GoT started airing. I got to Book 2, then stopped because book 5 kept getting delayed and I like having a buffer, not left on a cliffhanger. Then I read book 3 when book 5 came out. 2 book buffer is decent. I've decided not to read further but to allow the show to catch up and then keep pace with it. GoT is one of the very few shows that I think not only capture the magic of the books but in many ways tighten the story and improve it much like the LoTR movies did (but more so IMO).


HKUS, CK is the Creation Kit. I found a transcript of the dialogue on uesp.net under Vignar's entry, reproduced here for your convenience.


Balgruuf: "I won't say it again, Vignar - Talos worship is forbidden. It's the Empire's law, and we're still a part of the Empire."

Vignar: "A law made at the tip of an Aldmeri sword, aye. A sword stained red with Nord blood. Is this what our people fought and died for? To forsake our most beloved ancestor and divine?"

Balgruuf: "I'm no happier about this than you are, but I don't want the see the Thalmor rounding up people in the streets and throwing them in prison."

Vignar: "Do your loyalties lie with the Thalmor, then?"

Balgruuf: "I warn you, Gray-Mane, you are treading on dangerous ground."

Vignar: "Don't threaten me, boy. You're either a Nord who respects our traditions, or you're not. If not, it isn't me you'll have to answer to, but the people of this city and this hold."

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