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Imperial VS Stormcloak


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I personally only believe Phataax-something I totally forgot right now, help you because he betrayed Alduin and knows Alduin will get to him later. I see no alligiance from him what-so-ever, even if I'd rather let him live than to let the desperate Blades order me around.

I also doubt the dragons would even follow your command. You are Dovahkin, dragonslayer. I have yet to find smebody who slays human to be a good best buddy, as an example.


I stand by what I mean: Ulfric would be elected High King, and Ulfric is so shortsighted he wouldn't help anybody outside of Skyrim. WHich would lead to the Thalmor having the whole of Tamriel, exept Skyrim, and leading a full on every-front assault. What chance does some Nords got?

At best, I'd get my Dovahkin out of Skyrim and get my own rebellion out, to take down Ulfric and join the Empire. Then start to plan a counter attack and get rid of the Thalmor.

Or I would join the Thalmor. Depends which of my character we talk about: My Nord or my High Elf ;)

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I've now completed both questlines (one character going with Stormcloaks and the other going with Imperials).


Believe me when I say, no matter which side you choose, it makes almost no difference in the game world.


It's a bit disappointing, but should make it easier for you to decide. Just pick whichever side you feel like, it doesn't make much difference.

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it makes almost no difference in the game world.


In the game world there is no incoming Thalmor invasion, or a Empire invasion towards the Thalmor. Neither are you going to die, or Ulfric is getting the throne.

It is kind of not the what is discussed now, even though it is the main point. Generally, we speak lore and logic. Evil combination right there!

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[in the game world there is no incoming Thalmor invasion, or a Empire invasion towards the Thalmor. Neither are you going to die, or Ulfric is getting the throne.

It is kind of not the what is discussed now, even though it is the main point. Generally, we speak lore and logic. Evil combination right there!


I know, as I mentioned a bit earlier in the thread, I'd go with the Imperials over the Stormcloaks for a number of reasons (I think dealing with Nord racism is a more important issue than freedom to worship Talos, and I think Ulfric would be a bad king).


Putting that aside, though, it's worth noting that either way, it doesn't affect the game much (maybe Bethesda will add DLC that changes things more dramatically).

Edited by xaliqen
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Just wait. We probably got hundred of mods planned with this in mind. Let's face it, the political play and the resentation we got of either side was superb!

We saw the imperial try to kill you, we saw the torture room. Now we see the Stormcloak as smart, and they only want the land back!

Then you notice they are racistic and very short sighted, leaded by an arrogant, even shortsightiererer (eh...) guy. Suddently the Imperials seem better.

Then you learn the THalmor plan, and sudently the Imperials are the lesser of two ( three, kind of) evils.


It's awesome to have this kind of thing. Not the standard "Empire bad. Rebellion good. Now go kill a troll or two!" no, we got a grayzone and 3 "evils", no real good guy.

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I must say i have really enjoyed this thread.....


Have been considering the war and which way to go. Im currently playing a nord female, heavy on combat with a bit arcane as back up.

She is fully quest driven and obvoiusly a loyal nord.


So thanks guys for putting some intresting points and views......thanks :biggrin:



Sorry if going off thread.....

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She is fully quest driven and obvoiusly a loyal nord.


You have to be careful when you say things like "loyal Nord" because the Nords on both sides think their being loyal to Skyrim. There isn't a single Nord in either the Legion or the Stormcloaks who doesn;t think their serving in Skyrim's best intrests. even when they are on opposite sides of the field.

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Sotrmcloaks to win

And then the Thalmor comes and take over Skyrim. Politics is fun, 'ey?


Am I the only one who didn't join the Stormcloak just because of the start? I did some snooking, and found out the racisme before I joined 'em. At least the Empire got a chance to take down the Thalmor.


How exactly would the thalmor invade skyrim without having they're supply lines in serrious danger. They might be able to sustain 1 army in skyrim and that's if the Nords don't use scorched earth policies. They also would have to be able to go up the coast under arrow fire and have to contend with the armies of the Jarl's which would be much more than what the elfs are bringing..


The smarest thing to do would be to make yourself high Jarl of skyrim let the Dominion invade Cyrodil and annex the remaining part of the empire. While the war is going on to ally with hammerfell, high rock, and try to get the black marsh into the fray (as well as centralize skyrim a bit because what they have going on is a mess with to much power to each jarl)then the thalmor will be spread to thinly aswell as wasting troops trying to police Cyrodil. Which is when you and your allies will invade the Dominion.

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I went with the empire because I didn't like the racism, and obviously poorly kept town that is Winterhold. Besides that, Ulfric did MURDER the high king. Yes, Ulfric challenged him to combat, but he used a shout which was definitely an unfair advantage. Killing that king did nothing anyways, it was not like the king liked outlawing Talos. The king was just making the best decision, as sometimes it is better to just go with the flow and reject ideas when an opportunity arises.


Like when you're a level one, and a guard can kill you. Then you come back at level 100 and spank him ferociously in the face :devil: .

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I found a book somewhere last night that I actually took the time out to read. It chronicled Ulfric's 'war' with the Foresworn. I know you shouldn't believe everything you read but the author of that book claimed Ulfric killed everyone old enough to carry a sword that didn't swear complete allegiance to him at the tail-end of the 'war.' Which made him guilty of *severe* war crimes at the end of it all. Kinda put a new slant on him and the Stormcloaks for me. And not a positive slant, either. I wish I'd kept it now so I could say what the title of it was.



When I was at the peace council meeting with the Greybeards and the others, that came up, what happened in that town..I forget it's name now and the Imperial leader said he had killed all the people, his own people but the Stormcloak dude denied it. I had no idea what they were talking about so I tried looking up online the name of the town they spoke of but no information was given, except that there was a town by that name but that was it. So, when asked if the Stormcloak dude should pay for his crimes, I didn't know if he had or had not committed any and the choice I had to choose was "Who's to say what happened at (name of town)"


I was afraid of something like this. If it is true, I will personally slit that guy's throat. Muahahahaha!


If anyone comes across that book, please pm me the name of it? Thanks much! :D I'm afraid I'll forget about this thread if I ask you to leave it on here.

Edited by Pineapplerum
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