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Scars/Beards/Hair for OCO v2


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Would someone be able to create a quality mod that isn't cheesy (no anime) that adds new beards/hair/scars/warpaint that is compatible with Oblivion Character Overhaul v2?


I know of the following mods for warpaint/scars:




However, the warpaint is not that great and I think there is room for improvement. I could definitely use some compatible hair and scars more than anything.


Anyone with experience please let me know.

Edited by nicktheduke
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There is Beards in Tamriel. According to a comment by the mod author it is compatible with OCO v2. I haven't had a chance to try it out yet myself.


You linked the only warpaint/scars for OCO v2 mods that I know of (I use some of those resources in my own Blockheadization project).

Edited by Striker879
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Thanks for the reply, Striker879!


I play a bandit type character so it would be great to have some decent scars at least. That Warpaint mod adds some but the paint looks a bit silly.


With so many decent mods coming out lately (SDR, OR, Candid ENB 4, etc), it would be great to push OCO v2 further with some of these features. Surprised there isn't already.


I'm tempted to use that Beards mod but there's no images and it seems you can't apply to player?

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Use Blockhead to apply it to the player. The player baseID (aka FormID) is 00000007. Download the beard mod to a folder and extract it to that same folder. Look at the folder structure that it uses and compare that to the instructions given in the Blockhead Readme.rtf that comes with Blockhead.


I believe that the beard mod also adds beards to vanilla characters so it will probably already have a Blockhead folder set up for vanilla characters (if memory serves it will be Data\Meshes\Characters\BodyAssetsOverride\Oblivion.esm) and follow the body part naming convention it uses with the player baseID (so Data\Meshes\Characters\BodyAssetsOverride\Oblivion.esm\00000007_UpperBody.nif would change the player's upper body mesh ... replace the _UpperBody.nif part with whatever body part name that the beard mod uses).


Way harder to describe than it is to do once you get onto it.


- Edit - You'll need to experiment with different meshes and maybe textures to find one you like, it's just a matter of copying files to your game's BodyAssetsOverride\Oblivion.esm folder and renaming them, then checking in-game. Texture overrides work the same way (and you will be able to use the beard mod as a guide).

Edited by Striker879
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