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Can't Progress in Molecular Level


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Hello my problem is I can't progress in the Molecular Level Quest, when ever I place the stabilized reflector platform at my mercer safe house at hangman's alley the quest does not update. The quest says I haven't built it, even though I have. I have tried scrapping everything at my safe house, building at a different settlement, and using commands to progress through the quest, all with no success. I did some reading and saw other people were having this problem, but there were no solutions posted. I have never had this problem before and would appreciate the help.

Link for picture http://imgur.com/a/HqJEU

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I had this problem and IIRC it was something to do with my not having succeeded at the USS Constitution quest (I accidentally shot one of the bots and they turned hostile). When I used a console command to finish the quest I was able to build the teleporter.

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Did the quest, but Molecular Level still isn't progressing. Maybe its a mod causing it? That's the only other thing I could think of.


Edit: Thought maybe I needed to do a few more quests before placing it and found out now Taking Independence isn't progressing after powering up the radio even though I have 100 power and someone assigned to it.


Edit 2: Now the Robot DLC quest isn't working I have no idea whats wrong with my fallout but I think I'm done with it for a while unless anyone has any more suggestions

Picture of Taking Independence not working : http://imgur.com/a/IMWLj

Edited by legoman9570
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