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No lollygaggin'!


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Halghast Drakkarim was cheerfully on his way home to Breezerun after doing some shopping when he noticed some children playing outside his house. "That looks peaceful" he thought as he strolled towards his door.

When he was just about to enter one of the children turned towards him to say something. He was caught off guard so he opened the door without thinking. In surprise he looked at the child that had followed him inside before immediately leading her outside.

Exiting he almost fell over a guard that sternly lectured him. "No lollygaggin'!"

In utter shocked silence Halghast quickly closed the door behind him. The next half hour he sat staring at the fire wondering what just had happened.

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If you have the PC version, once inside, open pe console, click on the door and type lock

When you go out the next morning, open the console again, click on the door and type unlock


Problem solved! :thumbsup:

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Reasonable advice...but sometimes they enter at exactly the same time that you do.


Sneak your way into the house then.:ninja: Damn NPCs, I'm glad it never happened to me(yet). When it will happen, I'll be more than happy to show them the way out, with a poisoned arrow in the back of their heads.


Again, problem solved! :devil:

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You should be lucky the guard let you off with just a lecture.


Finally someone that understand the joke. I had a good laugh when it happened to me. :)


But yeah. It's irritating as heck and I have yet to find a good solution. I get close to a NPC, they start talking to me, I open the door and the talkative idiots follow me inside just so they can finish saying whatever it is they have to say.

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You guys just won't let it go, huh? :tongue:


If you found the problem(talking with them and before they end their rant you go in), than stop talking or wait until they finish, or again...practice your marksman skill a bit and pay the fine.:devil:


Problem solved once more.

Edited by Pushkatu
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You guys just won't let it go, huh? :tongue:


If you found the problem(talking with them and before they end their rant you go in), than stop talking or wait until they finish, or again...practice your marksman skill a bit and pay the fine.:devil:


Problem solved once more.


Say what?

Problem not solved and I hate to say it but read what I've said again. It's not me doing the talking. ;)

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