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MO has problems using SUM + ASIS SkyProcPatcher problem.


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Hey there,


I just finished my transfer from NMM to MO and uninstalled, reinstalled every mod I had etc. to finish my loadorder.

Now when I try to use SUM I'm getting the errors in the attached file.

I already reinstalled every mod with SkyProcPatchers (again), have SUM integrated in MO, uninstalled Java x64 and got Java x86, tried SUM from my old location at \Skyrim\Data\SkyProc Patchers\SUM and from my new at \Skyrim\Mod Organizer\mods\SUM - SkyProc Unified Manager\SkyProc Patchers\SUM.


Except ASIS everything seems to finish the patch, but doesn't apply it. ASIS' SkyProcPatcher keeps telling me that I'm missing ASIS-dependency.esp, but in the multiple runs I either made sure that it is above ASIS or deleted the stuff in the overwrite folder from MO as well as the ASIS.esp. It also is always activated, but sometimes the plugin deactivated itself somehow.


Just finished the AV SkyProcPatcher and it patched successfully without SUM, so I'm guessing that MO has a problem with SUM and ASIS a problem with itself?!


I also don't understand why MO tries to keep parsing Reproccer and Requiem's Patcher, because I don't even have anything of those mods anymore and deleted everything except the SkyProcPatcher folders when I transfered from NMM. I guess that's less of a problem though, because I would just have 2 disabled empty esps more.


I would appreciate any help, because I'm absolutely clueless and can't find anything which could solve my problems anymore.

Edited by Finxxur
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Just an update: somehow the SkyProcPatchers including ASIS now all worked and the error messages didn't come up again. I didn't really do anything so I can't say why ASIS is working now.

SUM still doesn't work, but I think I'll go with that for now. Maybe it somehow starts working aswell.

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Okay I think something went absolutely wrong. I had to go so far to absolutely reinstall Skyrim and deleted anything related to it, like the folders with Skyrim.ini.


Now after reinstalling, and having everything set back to vanilla, Skyrim's Steamlauncher won't even bring me into the game. After clicking play it loads for a few seconds attempting to start and then the launcher just pops up again.


I didn't delete leftovers in the registry, but I also don't believe that I have to go this far!?

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Thank you, but sadly not:

Make sure your ini files are set up correctly

My ini files are vanilla, so they shouldn't give me any problems on vanilla Skyrim.

Turn off any overlays or programs running in the background.

I have never anything running in the background, because my laptop isn't the newest. Just restarted the laptop, started Steam, then tried to run Skyrim. Didn't work.

Make sure -forcesteamloader is in MO's SKSE launcher executable options (should be done automatically, check it).

Normally, I would use the MO, but I removed everything to an external folder before I reinstalled Skyrim, so MO is not connected to Skyrim in any way at the moment.

If using windows 10, set ExpandSystemMemoryX64=false in ENBlocal.ini.

I'm still using Windows 7 to avoid problems caused by Windows 10.

Make sure ENB is configured correctly. See here.

I deleted everything in the Skyrim folder before reinstalling to make sure that leftovers couldn't cause any problems. So I don't have any datas from ENB anymore.

This can also be caused if you didn't actually put the enb preset files into the skyrim folder correctly.

Same as above.



I verified gamecache, don't have any mods, no ENB, no HiAlgo Boost, no changed ini files, not even SKSE, because I wanted to look if at least vanilla Skyrim would start before I start making changes again, but not even that works. I also don't know if there are any hidden leftovers which could cause this problem, but like I said, I deleted everything in \Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim and in \Documents\My Games\Skyrim before I reinstalled Skyrim.

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<I wanted to look if at least vanilla Skyrim would start> Use the vanilla launcher directly, you'll know if the game works without steam launcher.


<Now after reinstalling, and having everything set back to vanilla, Skyrim's Steamlauncher won't even bring me into the game. After clicking play it loads for a few seconds attempting to start and then the launcher just pops up again.>

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Alright, I installed a seperate MO without touching the old one and installed SKSE through it.

Good news is, and I'm really glad about that, Skyrim launches again :D But I still don't understand why vanilla Skyrim isn't launching with its own launcher. Doesn't this mean that there's something wrong with it?


And is it save to use the old MO with all the installed mods or should I reinstall all the mods again?


Thank you very much for your help :D

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You're welcome.


<But I still don't understand why vanilla Skyrim isn't launching with its own launcher. Doesn't this mean that there's something wrong with it?> Probably. I know you've reinstalled the game but hey; try to Verify gamecache if not already been done. Ensure your skyrim installation is healthy = Make skyrim vanilla again.


<And is it save to use the old MO with all the installed mods or should I reinstall all the mods again?> I'm not a MO user but what do you risk to try to install skse thru your old MO ?

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I tried verified earlier and it even said that there was 1 missing data, but it didn't help launching it with the vanilla launcher. I hope this doesn't cause any problems when launching with SKSE.


Not using MO, because of particular reasons? I migrated in the from NMM to MO, because everywhere you read that it's better, but it's a bit annoying that the whole loadorder and everything linked to it, like LOOT, FNIS, SUM, etc. have to get linked and launched with MO.

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