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Is skyrim nexus being slow for anyone else?


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yeah i am having the same issue the skyrim nexus is pretty slow for me as well its been like it last 2 days for me and i have good internet as well the page served is up and down for me im usually hitting 0.4 but its going up to in the sixes and sevens so who knows and im using the latest version of chrome

1st test hitting 0.6

  • Stored PMs: 1,067,502
  • Page Served in: 0.606s

2nd test hitting 0.9

  • Stored PMs: 1,067,502
  • Page Served in: 0.982s
Edited by glover
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Yes. It's been comatose for me for about two weeks. Getting "Server not Found" constantly. Also Thumbnail images won't load on front page.


Same here, although it eventually loads. But thumbnails aren't loading at all, starting a couple days ago. On the "latest files" page, everything's good up to "Vanilla Two Handed Skill Tree Improved" uploaded Aug 10 at 10:19 then, starting with "Follower Ake" uploaded Aug 10 at 11:09, none of the thumbnails load.

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Hmm, I wonder if they are being attacked by DoS bots - but not enough to bring the server down.


Actually it might be attacks on the servers of the dependent web page modules, not nexusmods.com, that would explain why this forum works fine. In particular, the ones that serve the changing of the tabs in the pages. I can't access the mods pages here from my work because apparently some of those that I am citing are blocked by my work institution - perhaps the ones that serve the css files? When I try to access the mods pages I get white basic HTML page view, with no tabs, and missing a lot of pertinent info - after a minute or two of wait, and that's how it's been since October 2015. But I can access this forum just fine from both home and work.



EDIT 8/15: Just found out staticdelivery.nexusmods.com is blocked to me at work.

Edited by HalloweenWeed
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Yes. It's been comatose for me for about two weeks. Getting "Server not Found" constantly. Also Thumbnail images won't load on front page.


Same here, although it eventually loads. But thumbnails aren't loading at all, starting a couple days ago. On the "latest files" page, everything's good up to "Vanilla Two Handed Skill Tree Improved" uploaded Aug 10 at 10:19 then, starting with "Follower Ake" uploaded Aug 10 at 11:09, none of the thumbnails load.




Similar for me. I have images for Follower Ake, but nothing after that. Also no images on the mod pages of anything since then. And switching tabs on mod pages is time to get another cup of coffee.

Edited by b7ll
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