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Some Tips for Surviving Master Difficulty.


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I've been seeing a lot of people complaining that master difficulty is too tough. I have been playign an Orc since day 1 on Master difficulty and havent had much of a problem with it. he is level 57 now. So I thought i should pass along some general tips for it to help others out with it.


Dont go charging blindly into battle. 90% of the time you will get killed no matter how good your character is.


Ok on to the build tips.


Melee fighters have it pretty tough in master difficulty. Archers and casters can cut your hp down by a very large amount before you can even get close. shields help a lot at getting close to archers. just time your blocks when they fire. as for casters i found that even if you arent goign the casting route the lesser ward spell in restoration will help you last long enough to get up close and personal with them. Focus on one type of weapon to start off with and get it to at least 60(so you can get at level lvl 4 of armsman/barbarian) before you go adventuring. the quicker you can take em down the better.

also focus on heavy armor as reflect blows works real well in master difficulty.


Melee Khajiit warriors. i tried this the other day and if you get your heavy armor up to where you can get the fists of steel perk and 50% bonus to unarmed make these one of the strongest melee chars for master difficulty. with a fully enchanted and improved set of daedric gauntlets the per hit unarmed damage of a khajiit fighter is in the 100s. so far from what ive seen unarmed is much faster than any other weapon as well. only disadvantage is you have to be quite close to deal that damage.


Assassin types have it a little easier as with the sneak perks they can take down the strong mobs with relative ease. For melee assassins you want to max out the one handed armsman and the bladesman perks. this will max out the damage of your daggers. for ranged assassins you will want to max out overdraw and critical shot as it does the same for bows. also you must get the sneak perks backstab(6x dmg with 1handed), deadly aim(3x dmg for bow), and assassin's blade(15x dmg with daggers). these skills are invaluable in master difficulty for stealth/ranged characters. Actually its good to have them for almost any build. as i have yet to see the light armor perk deft movement work i cant really say as to its efectiveness in close quarters.


Casters have it even harder in master difficulty. you may deal more damage at the start than melee or ranged(bow) characters but robes dont provide much as far as armor bonuses. to counteract that i have found that conjuration is the best bet to combo with for a caster as it gives your targets something else to go after other that the squishy one. at later levels you get permanent summons and can also have 2 of them at one time. for many levels they will be your main source of damage to opponents as most destruction spells wont start dealing enough damage to be noticable until the adept tier of spells. illusion spells can be quite helpfull in master difficulty if mobs come after you instead of your summon. fear being one of the best crowd controll spells. for restoration mages turn undead and eventually guardian circle do essentially the same thing cept against undead. for the destruction mage ice spells are your best bet until the adept tier spells as they will slow your enemies down and keep them out of melee range.


For my orc i combined most of these into one build. as focused builds tend to have a harder time in master difficulty. as always in master difficulty practice makes perfect. it took a while to get my build working efficiently.


Anyways i hope this helps some of ya guys out in getting thru the true challenge that is Master difficulty.

Also if anyone has any other tips for Master Difficulty please feel free to post it.

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I'm currently on Expert and was wondering if you have any tips for a 2 handed melee warrior? I try to get close too the archers but they deal crazy damage right now, every shot is about 1/3 of my hp and by the time I reach him I get killed. I tried to use restoration fast healing on the way to the archer but I can find this will be inefficient in dungeons where space is limited and I have to deal with draugr archers. Any tips for 2h warrior?
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I'm currently on Expert and was wondering if you have any tips for a 2 handed melee warrior? I try to get close too the archers but they deal crazy damage right now, every shot is about 1/3 of my hp and by the time I reach him I get killed. I tried to use restoration fast healing on the way to the archer but I can find this will be inefficient in dungeons where space is limited and I have to deal with draugr archers. Any tips for 2h warrior?


with 2 handers getting up close and personal with archers is very tricky. one way is to hang out behind an object. most of the time they will come closer to try and get a line of sight on you. this will usually result in them getting close enough for you to melee them without too much trouble. the only other route is to sprint and if you have it use great critical charge.

Edited by Rendalli
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iv been playing on master since day 1 also, all i can say is it's not hard enough! ><


infact it's TOO EASY!


then stop using the console codes lol.


i don't cheat sorry bro:P

oh and i don't sue crafting to exploit either, just ignore it mostly

Edited by PsYchotic666Joker
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I played master difficulty after the first hour. I am 29th level Nord shaman warrior, that is I use a mace and shield, and Oakflesh and Heal a lot. I get owned ALL THE TIME, forcing me to spend 1000s on potions, but that's ok. To me, that is challenging, rewarding, balanced (providing a good money sink) and fun! At first, bandits were fair fights, bandit leaders were extremely difficult and sabercats impossible. Now, I cut through most of them, spriggans (poison), some dragons, and trolls still give me issues, which still makes it fun. Also on regular difficulty, bandits are like paper and draugr like cardboard and even tougher monsters are not much harder. I highly recommend this level of difficulty as early as possible, because it gives you a great sense of achievement rather than ratcheting it up as you go along which may keep it challenging but robs of your of the satisfaction from earning your place during the long hard slog.
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I'm currently on Expert and was wondering if you have any tips for a 2 handed melee warrior? I try to get close too the archers but they deal crazy damage right now, every shot is about 1/3 of my hp and by the time I reach him I get killed. I tried to use restoration fast healing on the way to the archer but I can find this will be inefficient in dungeons where space is limited and I have to deal with draugr archers. Any tips for 2h warrior?


For my 2 handed warrior I use ethereal form to get close to my enemies. This assures that I won't take damage as I sprint towards my target for crit dmg. Ethereal form only releases just before you hit and recharges relatively fast. No mana/stamina use either.

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Depends how good of a player you are for master I find it enjoyable. You can almost cc lock a mob just by shield bashing him and combo of shouts like frost form, fus do rah and so on. Now multiple high mobs level above your level can be a problem but I normally line them all up frost form aoe them all and Focus fire on one target. Then conjuring will normally grab argo off one mob if not more. Melee targets I circle them and or back away to evade no matter what your skills are in simply moving around trying to evade can do wonders. I also do use a lot of potions and poisons Edited by Bloodinfested
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