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Clothing/Armor/NPCs/Everthing Effected by Weather


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A mod that would allow the weather (mostly snow) to change the appearance on armor and clothing. Also walking in the snow would cause your legs/boots to become covered in snow. When it snows, the snow could also accumulate on the ground , buildings, and stationary objects. A more realistic weather cycle could also be added. It is kind of weird when there can be a blizzard in white run and then you walk outside to the farms and it is sunny.
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Well the idea sure is nice. But to actually do it is something that takes quite a lot of work.

You'd have to get all models or just the specific location on the body and animate and model it all so it even goes with all the movement. This would take a long long time even for a well seasoned 3d artist I believe.

But the very thought of it makes me excited if it were to ever come out.


+1 Great idea!

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+1 this would add a lot to the game. Footprints for tracking would make hunting targets so much better. If only humanoid enemies would keep running after yielding...would be fun to give em a headstart n track em down. Let them earn their second chance lol
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I was thinking about making a Hypothermia mod that makes you take frostbite damage if you swim in the cold water for more than a few seconds. Frost resistance would counter it. Maybe just reduce your Stamina until it reaches zero, at which point Health damage would quickly occur (i.e. once you lose your abillity to resist the cold, hypothermia sets in). Perhaps on a timer like a breathmeter, so you couldn't just dunk in and out. I just thought it was a bit silly that my Argonian could stay under the ice indefinitely without so much as a warmth spell.
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I was thinking about making a Hypothermia mod that makes you take frostbite damage if you swim in the cold water for more than a few seconds. Frost resistance would counter it. Maybe just reduce your Stamina until it reaches zero, at which point Health damage would quickly occur (i.e. once you lose your abillity to resist the cold, hypothermia sets in). Perhaps on a timer like a breathmeter, so you couldn't just dunk in and out. I just thought it was a bit silly that my Argonian could stay under the ice indefinitely without so much as a warmth spell.


that's a great idea. I mean it's Skyrim after all, how can I be able to run around only with my underwear and not give a f***? I have no idea if it's possible but it would be cool if you could wear some extra fur or cloak to avoid taking damage from the cold, although I know that TES games don't support cloaks so I don't know if that would be easy to mod...

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I would like to see more of the armours actually look warm. It's skyrim, and while it's not the north pole (or south pole for that matter), its not a steam southern jungle either. But seeing snow or frost collecting on your armour if you stand around too long would be really cool.


But I imagine it would take a lot of work and coding know-how.


Also a hypothermia mod would be neat... add it along with a hunger/thirst/exhaustion mod.

Edited by kitsuneshoujo
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