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Help calling a function from a script file

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For anyone that can help.


I am trying to call a function from a script file that i have created. The script file has the following code so far:


Scriptname FaultysMenu_Components
MiscObject Property MyComponent Auto const
Bool Property MyComponents Auto const
Actor Property PlayerREF Auto const
FormList Property MyCompList Auto const
Function AddComponents()
If MyComponents == True
Int iIndex = MyCompList.GetSize()
While iIndex
iIndex -= 1
PlayerREF.AddItem(MyCompList.GetAt(iIndex), 100, True)
PlayerRef.AddItem(MyComponent, 100, True)
I am trying to access this function from a terminal menu item.
My question is
1. Is the above code viable?
2. What is the required syntax to attach the above function to the terminal menu item?
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The code is viable and will work as expected. To call that function, the easiest way is to make a dummy quest and make that script the quest script. Make sure it extends Quest.


Then add the quest property in the terminal's fragment box.


Then put this in the script field:



(FaultysMenuComponentsQuest as FaultysMenuComponentsScript).AddComponents()
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You can create a property for your script instance directly in the calling script.

ScriptName MyTerminal

FaultysMenuComponentsScript Property FaultysMenuComponents Auto Const Mandatory

Function Foo()

TummaSuklaa advice also works if the script instance you need access to just so happens to be attached to a Quest.

ScriptName MyTerminal
Quest Property FaultysMenuComponentsQuest Auto Const Mandatory

Function Foo()
	(FaultysMenuComponentsQuest as FaultysMenuComponentsScript).AddComponents()
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