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Goodneighbor warehouses repurposed


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I've got this idea that I'm banding around to do my own redesign of Goodneighbor and I couldn't help but notice the three huge warehouses that are totally useless except for the Cleaner quest given by Whitechapel Charlie. So let's say I take out the Triggermen and do something different with the interior cells like make a brothel or something.


So could I do something to nix the quest from Whitechapel Charlie to no longer make it available? And would doing so fix any conflicts in the interior cells? Would this cause any other problems?


Thanks for any advice!

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Sure.. but deleting a quest from vanilla is a bad idea. Why? Because another mod might use it as reference for their mod. Like trying to turn him into a radiant quest giver that gives out kill quests for good neighbor.


With a little more effort, you could keep that quest intact and do whatever you want. If memory serves, all you would need to do is check the respawn box in the kit. Then the triggermen won't respawn after the quest. A tad more time consuming,as you would have to look up all the spawn points inside the warehouses and check off the box.

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Sure.. but deleting a quest from vanilla is a bad idea. Why? Because another mod might use it as reference for their mod. Like trying to turn him into a radiant quest giver that gives out kill quests for good neighbor.


With a little more effort, you could keep that quest intact and do whatever you want. If memory serves, all you would need to do is check the respawn box in the kit. Then the triggermen won't respawn after the quest. A tad more time consuming,as you would have to look up all the spawn points inside the warehouses and check off the box.


So you'd say that it'd be easier if I just told the mod-user to download the mod after doing this quest, and then check off the respawns so I can do what I want with the interior cells?


I may be mistaken, but you could probably just put another door in front of the old one for the warehouse and then use that as your link to your new interior cell so that there isn't a conflict at all.


Ooh, okay, I'll look that up.


Thanks for your advice!

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Easier really depends on you. How often do you want to read people screwing that up? I think, if you are already messing around in that cell, it is much easier to check off the respawn boxes when you are rebuilding things.


*shrugs* It also depends on how much you are gutting that interior. If you are deleting everything floors etc etc, and rebuilding it to your taste.. then yeah it would not be easier.

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