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Hotel Nevada sounds good.


The food made from people should be in the form of wafers and needs a name parodying "Soylent Green"


Well they already parodied that with "Salient Green" the stuff you could turn plants into in OWB. Though the wafer/bar form is an iteresting idea for the food's form. To bad the "Green" movement never really caught on in the FO universe...."Go Green bars" would be both nutritious and full of delicious punning!


Is it odd that I can almost see this place and some of the characters in it?.....


!.) Completely raving old lunatic that keeps arguing with the skeleton of his wife (who ODed rather than stay trapped any longer) and talks as if they are just on an extended vacation and seems to think they are young and going to return rich to their home town to raise their children (he's convinced his wife is 'expecting' as she's been acting very odd since they got here).


2.) Some -very- malfunctioning service robots: Mr. Bell & Mr. Hop, the two bellhop Mr. Handys that seem to have been programed after watching far to many old movies where comedians play bellhops. (The Bellhop with Jerry Lewis, some Three Stooges, Red Skelton even did at least one.) Bumbling, wisecracking and as likely to just randomly grab bags and bring them to a random room as to actually be helpful. (if at all possible i'd love to see them bring in and drop suitcases/briefcases/

boxes at least once.


3.) Booker, a woman obsessed with books and stories. She will pay for any prewar books you can bring her or skill books/magazines. A great character to give the background lore of the place through (she's read every journal and written record she could find around the place and she was born here in the Hotel). If there was an opening slideshow like a DLC she'd be one of the two voices used in it, telling the tale of the fabulous Hotel Nevada.


4.) Alfred, the very competent and british head of the robotic servants (nice nod to Batman here heh) very often lamenting the passing of the 'old days' with Master Bruce and Master Dick/Jason/Tim, if ya wanna go what will be taken as a dirty joke route go for the first; go for a sick joke with the second, [finding a skeleton named Jason in some room bashed up with a tire iron next to it] or simply a more modern Batman reference with Tim. Or ignore everything but the lament of missing Master Bruce still works. A finer robotic butler has never been seen.


5.)Threads, ghoul haberdasher & tailor extraordinare! Purveyor and creator of the finest attire in the Wastes! Sells the finest in prewar clothing and anything new you might want made and added clothing/armor wise. Though he -hates- working with armor everyone wants it but it is so dreadfully ugly, except his own unique work of course; if you want to add some custom armor model or something armor granting skigear comes to mind *chuckles* bulky enough that using the model could be armored or regular skigear.


6.) H.A.P.P. (Hotel Artificial Personality Program), the mainframe for the casino with carefully constructed personality to allow it's automated systems to be able to interact with the guests while keeping them comfortable, since they are dealing with what seems like a sweet helpful woman. Her circuitry needs much repair and maintenance if she is to be restored to proper functioning order, but if she is repaired and reprogrammed, could maintain the Hotel and sny true guests or inhabitants for a -very- long time. Her voice would be the second voice for the slideshow, very disjointed and sweetly, insanely, creepy as it talks of it's continuing life for it's guests and dealing with 'thieves and Commie hordes'.


I also had a good idea of how the Hotel allows the 'guests' some freedom but still keeps them there. A form of house arrest device that is either a collar or an armunit/bracer like a computerless pipboy for the other arm that is unable to pass beyond a barrier something like an '"invisible fence" trying to go beyond it gives you a massive shock and knocks you out...the Hotels machines bringing you back to your room if it happens. Like the radar-fence of OWB taking you back to the Sink.


I can even see some 'guests' spending most of their time in the casino hoping to win enough money to pay their bill and be able to leave.

Edited by greenknightfury
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  • 1 month later...
Probably, greenknightfury, but if ti helps, here's an idea for the mod, if it ever comes about: The Trauma Suits with skeletons inside them, would be good "janitors" or something that work on the outside of the building, and in the more living-thing-unfriendly innards that keep the place working, with crowbars and Arc Welders for weapons. Ghost People could live outside of the place, in a "village", condemned by the hotel's "inhabitants" for leaving, and ending up in a cloud of toxins that turned them into Ghosts to begin with. Maybe a fourth "faction" of rebels holed up in a floor or two of the hotel, loaded up with pulse grenades, and flamers, to keep the other groups at bay, particularly the robots.
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  • 4 weeks later...

If the original poster isn't interested in carrying this on I am lol



BTW: Livebait love the abominable deathclaw idea *chuckles* some nasties to explain why there isn't more npc presense outside in the resort around the hotel


The Abominable Deathclaw could be called Wendigo (X-men and old mythological reference)

You could alter the Alpha Male Deathclaw from the mining camp and during the day the deathclaw could be the "Mayor" (human form) of the village in front of the hotel, and following the lore of the basic myth any scratched by the Wendigo become a lycanthrope of sorts who can be modeled after basic Deathclaws. and during the day they all a part of this village.


i may have described my idea terribly but in my head it makes perfect sense.

my right hand is also in a splint so it's hard typing xD

if you have any questions, and i don't doubt you do, PM me.

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  • 4 months later...
heh heh oh yeah I know the Wendigo (both the myth and the Marvel characters), though the story as it was worked out to this point is that the resort town itself is deserted (everybody you come across is dead) because if people were in the resort town they could get passes for the hotel itself and then they would be in the hotel itself (it's a Sierra Madre style temptation of incredible luxury/great wealth).
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