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Unchangeable default vampire eyes on all races


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Hi, I've been having a problem whenever I create a vampire character. I've made two so far, but I think it's obvious that the glitch applied itself to all races (except Argonian and Khajiit, I'd assume).


I use Skyrim Unbound so I set them to start as a vampire from MCM. The first one was a male Breton and after I've finished him in Racemenu, he transformed when I began playing and got red non-glowing human eyes, which I didn't expect. I tried to change them to the other yellow vampire eyes that Racemenu's slider had, but they'd always revert back to the red ones. Meanwhile, vampire NPCs are not affected.


The same thing happened to a female High Elf. Created her in Racemenu, she transformed after I started playing and she had the same eyes, which was really weird-looking on an elf.


I have no eye replacer mods, only one standalone which I turn on for one other character and my other vampire appearance mods include:


Normal Dawnguard vampire faces


Less sunken cheeks for vampires


Better vampire fangs and eyes - fangs only


Vampire face fixes


They're not all active at the same time, but I've played around with disabling and still no luck.


How can I fix this? Or at least how do I change the eyes without having them revert back? And how come they're not glowing?

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