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Your favorite skyrim npc.


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Either Sheogorath, Daedric Lord of Madnees (whom I would become an incarnation in reality given half the option), the beautifully acted coupling of Clavicus Vile and Barbas, or the crazy Talos priest in Whiterun who makes me laugh each time I walk by! :D


Oh, and naturally, M'aiq the Liar...

Edited by MoonlightWyvern
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My favourite would have to be Ulfric Stormcloak. He is just so chill from the start, going to get his head chopped off like a boss and not caring. He also does some hardcore Shouting, and is voiced by a Czech-Canadian. Beyond cool.
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I'm going to post some odd choices here. . .


First is Brelyna Maryon, the Dark Elf mage from the College of winterhold. She's both a follower and a potential wife, meaning that she has the options of both, which greatly expands her usefullness. Plus, her quest- where she ends up turning you (accidentally) into a variety of animals is hilarious due to the shock factor. Then, her personality is well done for what few lines of dialogue she has. She's somewhat introverted, and can seem cold at first. She's one of the few Dunmer in the College due to the red mountain's explosion. She's sick of the expectations placed on her by her family, which I could really relate with, she's skilled in combat, and she has a few humorous lines of dialogue relating to Morrowind.


My second choice is Balgruuf the Greater, the Jarl of Whiterun. His dialogue really sells the story on the war between the Imperials and Stormcloaks. He's undecided about who he will side with, and has some good lines during which he basically says that he understands both sides, and doesn't know which faction he'll help when the time comes. He's hoping that he never has to choose one of the two halves of his kingdom over the other. To me, that really exemplified the entire war.

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