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I see thieves...


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I'm assuming that, after becoming Thieves guild boss, this happens. Thieves set out and steal things. Seems buggy tho, all they do is run away from guards and get stuck. Seems it's all the same NPC, too, yet he never says anything. He just runs around begging for mercy, and a few days later I'll see his clone, doing the same.


Is this just a bug, or part of a quest I managed to skip over and leave permanently unresolved?


Posted in spoilers just in case.

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I saw thief trying to get into someones house in riverwood.

I stabed him from behind *maniac laughter*


and im not even part of the thieves guilD!

Edited by TheMysteriousTraveler
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Oh I see these guys getting killed all the time by the townspeople and guards. They go tiptoeing around in broad daylight, hesitate in front of the town's trader store and then the whole town seems to go after him at once. He dies, I loot and then go on my merry little way.
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