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Dual wield gameplay fix

Gaius Octavian

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I'm sure many others have noticed this bug with the faster attacks with dual wielding perks.


If you have these perks, when you left click while dual wielding, those attacks are noticeably faster. The problem is that the left hand (right click) isn't faster at all.


What this means is even though you're supposed to be using both weapons alternately, only one hand is faster, therefore you have no incentive to use your off-hand weapon.

To get the most out of your perk you have to use left click attacks only. It kind of defeats the purpose of dual wielding and ruins the fun of dual wielding weapons to begin with.



A change needs to be implemented that makes both hands equally fast. And, if possible, makes consecutive attacks with one hand as slow as normal shield-and-sword swings.



If the way I wrote this is confusing, someone who knows what I mean please reword it, or I can make a video demonstrating it lol

Edited by Gaius Octavian
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