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Remeshing Help!


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Hello, everyone....I've been lurking around the community for a long time, and made a few texture, companion and weapon mods, but today, I am confused. I made a high quality replacement mesh for foxes, but I can't figure out how to make it show up in Skyrim. I've watched a bunch of tutorials, but they really confused me. I used to be able to edit creature meshes in 3Ds Max with no issues, and then just copy and paste the mesh into Skyrim, like I did in this video:


(Sorry for sounding so confused in the video. I have brain abnormalities that prevent me from talking preoperly, so you'll find it to be repetitive)

But yeah....no issues from exporting a mesh to .obj, and importing it again to replace the original. But it seems that because this is a completely new mesh, the game doesn't like it at all...whenever I load up the game, it will show up as invisible, and I'm sad. :(

I followed tutorials, but they were very confusing....does anyone know of any tutorials that are easy to follow?



Here's a picture of the new mesh that I want to add:




And here it a link to my files and the original, so you can see the difference from the new and the old.



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Hi, Thanks for making video about learning to make mods.


The nice new fox mesh u are making should end up working just fine in the game.


All u need is to have a niskininstance on the nitrishape node.


That is the part that has vertex groups for each bone that animates the fox in the game. the vertices on the new mesh need to be weighted and added to the correct vertex groups.


You can see how they are organized by compareing the nifs with nifskope .


Also u probably need to turn off the vertex colors for the nitrishapedata.


You have some choices for tools to use for the job. Its 3dsmax or maya or blender2.77 or blender 2.49b


Since you are already doing the whole obj file thing u might be interested to try anton0028's tools.

Skinextractor and skininjector, those are for blender 2.77.



I didnt use em myself tho cause i was doing another way but basicaly u import the vanilla mesh and the skin into blender with the tools.


Import your mesh into blender. doesnt have to be same blend file, i dont know if there is a limitation with the tool there. Blend files can be linked from another so u can import any specific element from any blend file into a current one. So u can save them separate blend files and combine later.


I think there is no bone weight copy script in 2.77 but there is a weight transfer tool and thats supposed to work good. found a tutorial.



If u want to hear about other options there is this thread i posted in and links and stuff.



Maybe someone will come by and add info about the 3dsmax part also.

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Oooh, thank you! That really helps a lot! I will try to add weights to it in Blender then. Blender is what I've been using to rig and animate my models anyway. In fact, I made a new rig for the fox, and posed him. If I can't get him to work in Skyrim, he's definitely going in my game project...well, he's going in there anyway. xD

Here's a Blender screenshot of him in an threatened/intimidated pose. :smile:


Edited by Arisen1
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Hey everyone. I finally figured out how to add my mesh, but I have a new problem...I added my normal and diffuse textures and now it's really shiny! I'm sure that this problem will be much easier to figure out, so I might not need help, but if anyone can point me to a nice tutorial, it'd be helpful too. :)



Shiny fox!!



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This is just a stab in the dark... ...but it might be the issue. Open up your mesh in NifSkope and decrease your level of specularity. It can be found in the BSLightingShaderProperty node. Once you've clicked on the BSLightingShaderProperty node, scroll down in your BlockList until you find SpecularStrength and start decreasing it until satisfied.




-Scroll Thief

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Thanks buddy. I did turn the specularity down when I was playing around with the nif. He looks better, but now the definition seems to be gone from the fur. I'll continue to play around some more. Thank you. :)

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The fox has a tangent space normalmap on it. and on skyrim there is a specular map in the alpha channel of the normalmaps.


maybe you need to add specular map. if u do that save the dds with dxt5 format to get interpolation on alpha channel.



I vaguely remember having a shiny artifacts problem before that was different. solved that from updating tangent space in nifskope.

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