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Lich mod


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Okay, so I finally made a werewolf character, and the Beast Form power is pretty sweet, but it got me to thinking; The vampires really blow. Bethesda should have just dropped vampires in Skyrim altogether, and added in Liches.


Here's how I think it should work:

You stumble across a Dragon Priest or something in a dungeon, and kill him. Left behind is a mask, and his notes for creating a phylactery. You get the ingredients and perform the ritual, making the mask your phylactery. As you put it on, your body is engulfed in frost, binding the mask to you permanently.


This grants you the following benefits:

Resist Frost: 30%

Magicka Regeneration: 100%

Magicka Boost: 30 points

Death's Call: Conjures a Draugr Wight for 60 seconds.

Lich Movement: Allows you to hover over water, and slow your falls.

True Form: Engulfs your body in frost, withering your flesh away into your true Lich form for 130 seconds.


When in True Form, you gain a shout ability just like in Beast Form, that allows you to transform nearby dead bodies into Draugr, and reanimate them. (Similar to The Ritual power)

Not only that, but you also have a bound staff that functions as an Ice Spike attack, and a Frostbite attack, and any frost damage you take in this form heals you instead of damaging.

Finally, if you happen to go below your health in True Form, you die, and then are reformed in a blast of ice as your normal form, due to your phylactery, damaging anything around your corpse.


There could also be quests similar to the Companions' which allow you different masks or artifacts to specialize your True Form, such as a Corpse Explosion shout, or a shout that reanimates an Undead Dragon.


However, you would also have a 50% Fire Weakness, and any kind of Healing spell, or turning spell would affect you, and possibly kill you. Also, The Divines would forsake you for becoming such an abomination, and you could not receive their Blessings.


To cure yourself of Lichdom, you'd have to undergo a quest where you summon Potema, and give her your mask, ridding you of it's powers, but also forcing you to slay Potema's reanimated body.

Edited by IxionInc
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i would have rather hoped something like... 'You put on your Mask and discover that it burns away your flesh... writhing in agony you try to tear of the mask, but it is to late... it has already melted into your bones... You have become one of the Undead'

You are a skeleton who has the ability to wear dead peoples flesh for a day... when you resurrected a zombie you destroy him and absorb his essence to become a spectral lich...

in skeleton form your physical attacks are stronger, while in spectre form your magic is stronger... and wearing human skin your thief talents are stronger

this would work best if attributes were reinstated

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Okay, so I finally made a werewolf character, and the Beast Form power is pretty sweet, but it got me to thinking; The vampires really blow. Bethesda should have just dropped vampires in Skyrim altogether, and added in Liches.


Here's how I think it should work:

You stumble across a Dragon Priest or something in a dungeon, and kill him. Left behind is a mask, and his notes for creating a phylactery. You get the ingredients and perform the ritual, making the mask your phylactery. As you put it on, your body is engulfed in frost, binding the mask to you permanently.


This grants you the following benefits:

Resist Frost: 30%

Magicka Regeneration: 100%

Magicka Boost: 30 points

Death's Call: Conjures a Draugr Wight for 60 seconds.

Lich Movement: Allows you to hover over water, and slow your falls.

True Form: Engulfs your body in frost, withering your flesh away into your true Lich form for 130 seconds.


When in True Form, you gain a shout ability just like in Beast Form, that allows you to transform nearby dead bodies into Draugr, and reanimate them. (Similar to The Ritual power)

Not only that, but you also have a bound staff that functions as an Ice Spike attack, and a Frostbite attack, and any frost damage you take in this form heals you instead of damaging.

Finally, if you happen to go below your health in True Form, you die, and then are reformed in a blast of ice as your normal form, due to your phylactery, damaging anything around your corpse.


There could also be quests similar to the Companions' which allow you different masks or artifacts to specialize your True Form, such as a Corpse Explosion shout, or a shout that reanimates an Undead Dragon.


However, you would also have a 50% Fire Weakness, and any kind of Healing spell, or turning spell would affect you, and possibly kill you. Also, The Divines would forsake you for becoming such an abomination, and you could not receive their Blessings.


To cure yourself of Lichdom, you'd have to undergo a quest where you summon Potema, and give her your mask, ridding you of it's powers, but also forcing you to slay Potema's reanimated body.


That is a truly awesome idea. Deffinitely second this! I aggree with the werewolf and vampire. Screw vampires - worthless in all elderscrolls ( except to behead). Werewolves are fun to play as but being one of the undead - awesome!


Have like a quest to gain control over the undead - an undead city or something.

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Something like this should be taken down a notch it seems a little overpowered, but other than that I second it.


However as roleplay savvy as I am, I think we need an option to disguise ourselves as one of the normal-folk.


Vampires, compared to werewolves are super underpowered. Hence the derivative of this topic.


I'm sure there will be plenty of mods to balance vampires and werewolves out, but in the meantime, this is just a basic idea for Lichdom.

And you'd be in human form all the time anyways, that's why the true form power is there. The rest of the time, you'd be human with the permanent mask, and the other benefits until you activated True Form.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you could somehow incorperate different "stages" of Lichdom in the essence of the vampire's but of course done better.

stage 1: You are but Bone and Soul, a shadow of the power you are meant to weild. (at this point you would be a skeleton)

Stage 2: as you delve deeper into the dark arts you take on the rotting flesh of the dead growing in power as you feast on the souls of the living (becoming a draugr essentially)

Stage 3: Having gained mastery over the Worm you have become death, NO. You have become Undeath. You are a Lich in full. (Dragon priest floating and everything)


Now i of course realize that making three different fully functioning bodys only to inhabit one of them in earnest is just plain ridiculous. Its the idea, just had to get it out there.


Great idea IxionInc!

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  • 2 months later...
This is exactly what I am waiting for. Especially the part about the lich' trueform. Instead of always being in this true form and periodically transforming in human form I love the idea of actually transforming in your true form. This way the game wont get broken too, because you can still interact with NPC's. You should really bump this topic, if that were allowed.
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