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Anyone else want to save the Real Shaun?


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Now this sems like a pointless question given Shaun is old and dying, and you probably don't want to save him because he's become a borderline monster. But then again, you're not thinking with Sceince!


Here's what I would have done had I been allowed:


Here's how:


Get some robobrain perserving fluid

Cut out Shaun's brain while he's dying in bed

Put brain in jar of said robobrain preservative

Take brain to memory den

Wipe Shaun's memories

Possibly remove all the cancers

Implant brian into synth Shaun


No more fake Shaun, now you have real Shaun.....with a synth body that's already completely organic. And now you can raise your son not to be the pitiless amoral mad scientist the Institute trained him to be.


Happy Ending.


And yes this is a horrible thing to someone but luckily Shaun is not exactly a saint and this could be seen as an appropriate punishment for a lifetime of misdeeds: do it over.

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Except - from my thread on a similar " Synth Shaun " and maybe there would be some " justice ", I just do not know....


You post does add another equation to the game - IF - like you said, it was allowed.


As " 10 Year old Synth Shaun " will forever be 10 years old.

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That's not for sure. I personally see synths as aging like normal people simply because human bodies age and the synths have totally organic bodies.


I imagine even if puberty was something not considered before Synth Shaun, I would imagine Synth Shaun would be designed to undergo puberty. Otherwise giving you Synth Shaun is a cruel joke, rather than a peace offering.

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That's not for sure. I personally see synths as aging like normal people simply because human bodies age and the synths have totally organic bodies.


I imagine even if puberty was something not considered before Synth Shaun, I would imagine Synth Shaun would be designed to undergo puberty. Otherwise giving you Synth Shaun is a cruel joke, rather than a peace offering.


I answered this in the other thread and will state here too:


Feel free to supply evidence to the negate this .. I would actually welcome it! :)





  • Overhearing conversations within the Institute reveals that Shaun cannot grow up and age like a normal human, and thus will remain a child forever.

So it has been confirmed, I have even had a couple of other players agree, that they too heard this dialog as well.....



  • Overhearing conversations within the Institute reveals that Shaun cannot grow up and age like a normal human, and thus will remain a child forever.

So it has been confirmed, I have even had a couple of other players agree, that they too heard this dialog as well.

So unless you have some evidence, which I will gladly look at ... this seems very much to be the case with Synth Shaun.

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Mods can fix this BETHfail. It's only a matter of time.


This could take some creative engineering, with CK 2/b honest.


1st - How do you have him grow older?


I'm not sure this will be modded - but hey, you could be right and I could be wrong. The scripting would be a small challenge and " how / timing " ....

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Within the lore of the game I can't see why Dr Amari couldn't simply have transferred Shaun's mind into a Synth body. After all he makes the things it wouldn't even need to be memory wiped first.

^This. This is a plot hole you could drive a truck through. It's stupid and put there only for convenience once the crappy plot they "crafted" painted them into a corner.

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Within the lore of the game I can't see why Dr Amari couldn't simply have transferred Shaun's mind into a Synth body. After all he makes the things it wouldn't even need to be memory wiped first.


The problem with that is that you'd have a copy of Shaun's mind, but it won't be Shaun. For lack of a better term, the brain is pretty much the seat of the soul for humans, and you could have very easily dying real Shaun and Mind Copy Synth Shaun having a conversation. This is also why I REALLY don't like Currie's quest to get a Synth body as there's no way to really tell is the new Currie is actually the Currie we met in Vault 81 or if the new Currie is actually Glory's supposedly brain dead friend with a new set of memories.


While I suppose it's possible for a machine to cut and paste its consciousness into a new form, I'm pretty sure that you can't do that with humans. Thus the need for a brain transplant.

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