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Kilobits Vs. KiloBytes


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Ive noticed that NM.com uses the wrong unit for file size, what do I mean you ask.


Let me explain, I tried to download this awesome 4K clothing item for FO4 measuring at only 386,964kb and I thought to myself, hmmm 46 MegaBytes for multiple 4K items is nothing so I went and downloaded it and its saying it will take 3 hours to download though the NMM until i got fed up and downloaded it though my web browser and then i realised it was actually 378MB (MegaBytes)



So all im suggesting is that you turn kb into KB as they are two completely different things and maybe for files over 100MB use MegaBytes.










Thank you.

Edited by RenesisXI
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I have reread this three times and I am still not getting it.


So here are some basics and these are based on an 8 bits/byte architecture.

  • a bit is a single 1 or 0.
  • a byte consists of 8 bits.
  • a word consists of 4 or 8 bytes (32 or 64 bits as in 32 or 64 bit architectures) - just an interesting aside for illumination.
  • a kilobit is 1024 bits or 128 bytes.
  • a KiloByte is 1024 bytes (or 8192 bits)
  • a MegaByte is 1024 KiloBytes
  • a Gibabyte is 1024 MegaBytes
  • a Terabyte is a Gigabyte2

Please note that the multiplier in "kilo" is actually 1024 and not 1000. And the multiplier continues to be 1024. Why? Because 210 = 1024, 1024 is close to 1000 and 1000 is a kilo.


And finally, note the disparity in kb vs KB. A KB is actually only 8 kb. Is this what you where driving towards?

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