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Dog texture file lost


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I'm sorry to bother you guys, but I accidentally overwrote a dog texture file. Now all dogs in New Vegas are big red triangles with an '!' inside. I don't know how to fix this as I'm rather new to all that, and reinstalling New Vegas sounds like a lot of trouble for one texture (aside from that, I'd have to reinstall 5 mods...).


So could you guys just give me a file to put in the dog textures, or something? I think it's easy for you mod pros.

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red ! means you are missing textures


but the default textures are never lost unless you actively delete the file (or if you have a simple common UAC issue)


you have installed a mod that is looking for a file it cannot find

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By the Shire!


Thank you, random stranger, for actually taking the time to answer.

The mod you were talking about was a simple dog eye patch... After getting rid of the rumbling ruffian, the red triangles disappeared back into depths of hell.


I am grateful and shall do good things in Wasteland in your name.

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