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Nord Ebony Warrior or replace his Sovngarde lines?


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We all know that the Ebony Warrior wants you to kill him since you're the only one that can send him to Sovngarde. Thing is, since he's a Redguard, the Far Shores would be the more logical afterlife for him, because Sovngarde only admits Nords, and the only reason why you, a non-Nord, were able to get there in the first place was because you got to the Nords' afterlife through a portal... while you were still alive.


Knowing this, there's only two ways to fix the problem:


  1. Make the Ebony Warrior a Nord, who are the ones who go to Sovngarde when they die;
  2. Modify the lines with something like Audacity or a similar software, I don't know, so he refers to the Far Shores, instead.

So, that's it. If you can do it, could you do either one, please? Thank you if you happen to take this request.

Edited by AfroGamerNinja
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