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Missing Husband!


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My character (female) has a husband, Balimund from Riften. When I purchased the home in Solitude, I asked him to move there. He said, "OK, see you there" but then went missing. He's not in the home in Riften (where he used to be) and can't be found in Solitude as well. I tried to use console command, got his ref ID from somewhere, but it says object reference not found. What happened to him? Got abducted by aliens on the way to Solitude?
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I had something similar with my NPC wife, I asked her to move to my place in Whiterun but didn't show up for days on end, in game days.


I finally was finishing up a quest that took me back to the Church in Riften and there she was, I was able to talk to her again and this seemed to jump start things.


Next time I traveled back to Whiterun and my home there she was.


It's almost like the NPC gets lost and then a script resets/restarts something to get this issue resolved once more.

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  • 1 year later...

I also lost my husband. My husband is Marcurio. When I fast traveled to look for him, he was not at Breezehome or my house in Falkreath. He was also not at the Bee and Barb in Riften where his home was. (I had told him we were living in Falkreath.) I lost him at Darkwater Crossing and I had waited several days for him to reappear. I used the "playermoveto" command with his ref id and it took me to the Temple of Mara in Riften. He was sitting on a bench in the Temple to the left of the altar. If the ref id for your husband is not working, you should try to look for him there at the Temple of Mara where you were married.

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