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Problems with DLC and mod


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Hello, I'm new here.


Well, my Skyrim used to run everything ok, so I downloaded de Dawnguard DLC.

Now, my mods aren't working and I'm doing everything right.


OBS.: I've downloaded a mod to add new crossbows, but they're not in the game!

OBS².: I used to use a mod in my vanilla game, and it's not working now (after the DLC is on)



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You need LOOT to fix the mod order also you can post your mods to take a look and maybe find the problem.


Yeah giving us your load order would help.


Alright, take a look: http://image.prntscr.com/image/3bc9f953ff9e4f54a5822205dc4b9a09.png

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you probably should double check and see if there's any different versions for dawnguard, because there usually are at this point. especially if you had vanilla only versions before. i'd start there.



i just looked at them, and you should reinstall scoped bows to make sure you have the correct version installed (it will have changed when you installed dawnguard). the other two should be fine since they require dawnguard.


are you using a mod manager at all to make sure all files are going to where they should? also, have you waited long enough for stores to reset so the items might show up, checked in the crafting menus?

Edited by Madzookeeper
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