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Can't download mods...


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Hi,just as said,here is what I got when I tried to download some mod,not all but somes...


Internet Explorer can't load that page.


What am I doing wrong? Even mod manager isn't working.


thanks for answers and sorry for the new topic,but looking the whole forum to find my problem is too much for me...

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Ok... I tried one thing. I downloaded under another login name,a no-premium member and it worked,then I tried again under my premium member login and it failed...


Well,I joined as a life premium member because I don't have any talent for mod and I wanted to support this site for it last til I die. It's not a question of money,but this kind of thing shouldn't happens for a premium.

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Wonder if it's a bug with lifetime membership? - http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/470370-cant-download-mods-anymore/ - I still can't download anything greater than 2 meg on Skyrim Nexus but have no problems on the other three nexus' I use. But if I log on to Skyrim with my laptop everythings fine. It's a pain to have to D/L large mods on to my laptop, xfer them to USB and U/L on my gaming computer but at least it works. ( I don't D/L straight to the USB because that takes more time and I don't want to hog bandwidth any longer than I have to.)


Wish there was a way I could get back to normal.

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