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How would you rate marriage 1-10?


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Variety: 4 - Two races are completely unavailable, and several others only have 1-2 options each (among both genders combined)

Options: 4 - Some are very nice, most I wouldn't even consider buying as slaves, let alone entering into a binding life-contract under the Nine Divines with

Process: 1 - They could have done so much more with this, yet it falls flat. The ceremony was fair at best, the whole thing felt rushed (not to mention it gets VERY buggy if you happened to have certain followers suffer a tragic death elsewhere in the world decide to visit and scare off the bride/groom's family). There is also no option for "divorce", and even murdering your spouse forces you to be an eternal widow/widower with no chance of ever remarrying, made all the more confusing considering at least 1-2 of your options have obviously been married before.

Feature: 3 - While hilarious, jim_uk has the right of it with his little matrimonial chat bit there, that is exactly how it ends up. They could have done so much more with this, but it feels like they just slapped it together, wrote a few voiceover lines, and threw it in just to say the feature existed.

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I married my follower Lydia and told her to wait for me while I went and assassinated some poor innocent sod attended to some business. Well, it took a while and she eventually went back home.


When I got back she was naked in our bed (naked bodies mod and a little removitem 13952 1 always helps, lol ). So jumped in to the sack with her, woke with Lover's Comfort (is that what they sex these days?) and went off to do more dastardly deeds community service. Got back home and she's at the alchemy lab, butt naked making potions.


So how do I rate it?


Getting hitched? 10 - "Hey babe, wanna be my squeeze?", "Sure, let's get married"

Ceremony? 7 - The priest yabbered on for too long.

Benefits? 9 - She cooks, gives me money, walks around naked in the house and doesn't complain. If she cleaned and fetched me beer it would score a 10

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Variety: 4 - Two races are completely unavailable, and several others only have 1-2 options each (among both genders combined)

Options: 4 - Some are very nice, most I wouldn't even consider buying as slaves, let alone entering into a binding life-contract under the Nine Divines with

Process: 1 - They could have done so much more with this, yet it falls flat. The ceremony was fair at best, the whole thing felt rushed (not to mention it gets VERY buggy if you happened to have certain followers suffer a tragic death elsewhere in the world decide to visit and scare off the bride/groom's family). There is also no option for "divorce", and even murdering your spouse forces you to be an eternal widow/widower with no chance of ever remarrying, made all the more confusing considering at least 1-2 of your options have obviously been married before.

Feature: 3 - While hilarious, jim_uk has the right of it with his little matrimonial chat bit there, that is exactly how it ends up. They could have done so much more with this, but it feels like they just slapped it together, wrote a few voiceover lines, and threw it in just to say the feature existed.


Yep this is 100 prcent right also MY number 1 rule if they can't be a follower I dont even give it concideration... I don't wan't a chick for the sole purpose of farming gold and food thats so crappy.

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