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What the heck is going on with archery?


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No idea what you're talking about OP. Are we playing the same game? fire an arrow straight. it arcs up a bit first, then arcs down and will continue to drop until it hits something.

arrows have a restricted distance in the ini that you may have to tweak for really long shots. I have that change made.



I was sniping some bandits on valtheim towerss yesterday. and for a wjhile i was getting a similar feeling to you. i just couldn't seem to hit anything. Eventually i figured it out though. At long distance, you have to aim above the target a LOT. i was able to hit an enemy from about 200m away

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I've noticed that if I quicksave while an arrow is nocked and then quickload, then release the arrow after the load - the arrow just plops in front of me and doesn't "work", it just drops. Does anyone else get that?
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Take the Hunter's Discipline perk, or better yet, use this and chose the "perk" version.


i only have 1 perk left to get...the "bullseye" perk.....my character is at level 33 and my archery is at 72....unfortunately, as you level up, it takes longer to advance..(which kinda makes sense)......back to the main question....why are the arrows disappearing when you go to get them?

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No idea what you're talking about OP. Are we playing the same game? fire an arrow straight. it arcs up a bit first, then arcs down and will continue to drop until it hits something.

arrows have a restricted distance in the ini that you may have to tweak for really long shots. I have that change made.



I was sniping some bandits on valtheim towerss yesterday. and for a wjhile i was getting a similar feeling to you. i just couldn't seem to hit anything. Eventually i figured it out though. At long distance, you have to aim above the target a LOT. i was able to hit an enemy from about 200m away


good answer WAR...i've hit a few from even futher.....yes you need to aim very high at targets farther away....and yes they do arc up at first and then start dropping....

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I've noticed that if I quicksave while an arrow is nocked and then quickload, then release the arrow after the load - the arrow just plops in front of me and doesn't "work", it just drops. Does anyone else get that?

Yea, I had that back in Oblivion too, if you quicksave with and arrow on the bow when you reload it'll just drop down, s'why I just save before putting the arrow in.

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Bethesda did an excellent job making arrow trajectories realistic. Why complain? I don't know about you, but in real life I would never try to shoot a target from 5 feet away. No telling what the damned arrow will do. Also in real life, arrows tend to follow a path not unlike a golf ball hit with a driver. So there is a lift at first, then a slow drop, followed by a rapid drop as the arrow slows down to terminal velocity. From what I can tell the arrows in the game follow this path flawlessly.
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Unless there is an actual bug \ glitch from your game preventing arrows from working, then it should function properly.


There is a quirk though. The arrows are sighted to hit the crosshair at medium distance. So for close to medium shots you need to aim LOW.


At long range you need to adjust as you normally would but keep in mind that medium distance is the crosshair. For VERY long shots I aim about 1 to 2 head lengths over the targets head.



I just imagine that the arrows are somehow broken or unusable, therefore un-salvagable.

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What's kinda bothering me is that i can drop 5 or 6 arrows in a target ..kill it and go to collect my arrows and only get 1 back (sometimes none at all).allthough, most long distance sneak attacks allways give the arrows back..(well 90% i guess).....makes me mad when i can see 3 or 4 arrows sticking out of a corpse and nothing to pick up when i search the body....maybe someone could look into it...would be really nice to have it fixed.


OH yeah! I forgot about that one! I let go of 14 arrows into a dragon and only got two back..what's with that? I am constantly buying or collecting all the steel arrows I can get my hands on. So I'm with ya on this one. :verymad:


Assume that the missing arrows are broken beyond repair and therefore not recoverable.


if i shoot an arrow at a stone wall from 20 30 or even 40 yards , it'll bounce off the wall and i can pick it up and shoot it again! why should i assume it is broken when hitting soft flesh,like rabbits,foxes,deer,elk etc etc etc......i hate assumptions !,but thx for the input neway lol

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Wooden arrow... three arrows stick out of a guy at angles... he dies, and falls over... the arrows hit the ground at awkward angles... and snap...


Dragon... even worse... there's these teeny things sticking out of it, and it dies, the 5 odd tonnes crash to the ground.


Anyway, I ran roughshod over a load of bandits, I have 300+ Iron arrows, 400+ steel arrows... never had to buy one... Ancient Nord... 200+ ( I use those a lot).

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