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Head and body textures don't always match, please help


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This has been a problem of mine for a long time and for the most part I have kept a similar build for years with but a few exceptions, such as changing from the old Oblivion Character Overhaul to the new version. My head and body textures do not always match well, mainly on Orcs and Redguards. For the most part... its not THAT annoying because its only a few NPC's here and there that suffer from this but it would be nice to make them look a "little" better.


I use HGEC body with the Hi Res textures for females and Roberts Male Body Replacer v5 for males along with Oblivion Character Overhaul v2 (the new one).


I install them in pretty much this order:


1) Roberts Male Body Replacer

2) HGEC Body + Hi Res Textures

3) Oblivion Character Overhaul 2.0

4) OCO HGEC patch

5) OCO Roberts patch

6) OCO Khajiit patch

7) OCO Female Khajiit patch


Here is a SS of the issue, more or less:




Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

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Looks to me like you aren't using a compatible clothing/armor replacer, or the one you are using is missing some items (that is the fisherman's waders, not a very common item).


As a test try installing the fisherman's waders from the extracted idiot package from Seamless - OCOv2 Edition. You may need to have a look at the clothing in the CS to get the clothing number for the fisherman's waders ... I think it's something like LowerClass\LC09 or perhaps LC10 for the folder and it will be named shirt.nif if memory serves. I'm not at home so I can't check my own notes on all the clothing ... in the CS the name column will call it fisherman's waders and you can figure out the folder path by looking at the World Model column.

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I tried the Seamless mod out and it either crashed my game on startup or there is severe tearing on female bodies. I guess I should just do as you said and look for the one outfit but it might just be easier to make a custom mod in the CS that changes the outfit to something else that is included in the standard EVE armor replacer, you know?


I wonder if there is an easy way to see all NPC's that are wearing the fishermans outfit and just change them all at once?

Edited by Murielkai
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In the CS there is a Use Info box that can be opened.


I'm not at home, so I can't provide exact (or possibly accurate) advice on how to bring up that dialogue. Working from memeory I think it may have been a right click option from the Object window, or perhaps a menu option when you have an item open for editing.


When you bring up the Use Info dialogue it will report all instances of that item/NPC/container/etc in the lower panel of the dialogue.


- Edit - The method I was suggesting was to only install the fisherman's waders from the Seamless ... a simple copy/paste from the extracted Seamless to your game (which would replace whatever fisherman's waders that was currently installed with the one from Seamless). It was meant as a troubeshooting step, not a solution.

Edited by Striker879
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If you have NifSkope set up you can use it to figure out which lowerclass folder is the fisherman's waders as well.


Most of the lowerclass clothes folders will have both a shirt.nif and pants.nif ... only a few have only a shirt.nif and so by looking at those in NifSkope it will be easy to figure out the folder.

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Just want to mention this because it's so handy.

Dwip made visual reference pages of all the Oblivion clothing here: Oblivion Clothing Reference

The Lower Class clothing is here. And yes, 09 is the Fisherman's Waders...

Very useful when you need a quick look-up without having to rifle through every folder in the section just to see what the meshes with the cryptic names actually turn out to be.

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There we go ... LowerClass\LC09\F\shirt.nif is the one you'll want to copy from the Seamless and paste in your game's Data\Meshes\Clothing\LowerClass\LC09\F folder. If that folder doesn't already exist it tells me you were still using the vanilla fisherman's waders, so then you'll need to copy the LC09 folder and paste into the game's Data\Meshes\Clothing\LowerClass folder (assuming you did already have an incomplete install of the lowerclass replacer).


Thanks Bess, I'll email myself a link to your post so I can update my shortcuts when I get home after the summer.

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