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Just curious if there is a way to find all the replies I have made to posts to find if anyone has answered me. Also looking for any helpful tips/suggestions to get more enjoyment out of the site. Is there a list of acronyms to be found anywhere? I see so many being used.
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Most acronyms are simple things you find on other sites but a few you may need to know:

OP = Original Poster

NMM = Nexus Mod Manager

MO = Mod Organizer (almost always in reference to the specific mod manger called Mod Manager)


If you need to know any specific others just ask here or pm me and i can help.


You can find previous posts and threads you made on your profile. You can also set the site to tell you when people reply to topics you have commented on there as well. I believe by default the site will notify you here but not send an email... Im not sure ive been here for a while now.


To find enjoyment? Well we have an off topic lounge as well as an RP (role play) forum as well as discussion threads for every hosted game on the site. As long as you follow proper forum etiquette and the site rules you'll be fine.


If you have further question go ahead and ask here or pm me. I respond rather fast... I kinda lurk round these parts most of the day.

Edited by qwertyzeldar
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Just a nudge, ignore the tabs labeled "Topics" or "Posts" right below your avatar on your profile page. These, if at all, always show only a very limited excerpt of all your posts and topics. Instead use the button labeled "Find Content" on the right hand side above your "Friends" and "Latest Visitors". This will give you a list of either all topics you participated in or all individual posts you made and is only limited by how far back in time it goes. If I'm not mistaken, it's limited to 1 year back at max.


As for the many confusing acronyms everybody needs to know (not^^), this topic's all about them: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/707465-mod-acronyms-wtf/

And then there's the Nexus Wiki page for them as well: http://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Common_acronyms


Oh, and, qwertyzeldar, I think you have a typo you might want to correct in your long form of the abbreviation "MO". You mean Mod "Organizer", of course, not "Manager".

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Every game has it's own unique abbreviations and acronyms, So asking in the general site forums may not get the right answer. :whistling:

If the abbreviation you are trying to figure out is game specific, asking on the forum for that specific game will work better. :thumbsup:


And there are some posters that just assume the abbreviation they are using must be known by everyone and don't see the need to explain. Please feel free to ask, Most of our users will be happy to help. We were all n00bs at one time. :tongue:

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