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What should the last Fallout be about?


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I've heard that one more Fallout will be released and I've spoken to a few about this on the chat room. Some said they would like to be another part of the world(which would be cool) other said(and I agree) that they don't care and would play any Fallout game put in front of them. (That's us die hard Fallout fans for you...I would feel a little incomplete without the complete Fallout collection.)


So my idea for the last Fallout is that should take place in Canada. Because in Fallout's Opening story for 1 is that Canada as been annexed and soon after that(correct me if I'm wrong) things went bad for the entire world. In Fallout 2 you encounter a group that reenacts the Canadian Invasion. So I figure that last would could be in Canada. The player would fight in a group that will take their country back of course they will have do destroy the Enclave which as anyone who played Fallout 2 knows are American forces. The Enclave has been defeated on the west coast, and the East Coast, so why not defeat them once and for all in Canada and end the game there.


Or we could live in a city that has been rebuilt and what not and have to go out into the wasteland to do contracted jobs and then maybe while we're on one job we find out about someone who going to get our city destroyed and we have to stop it or something like that. But this city is going to be a clean and brand new city a city that we would think of a city to be. Maybe get access to a vertibird or something. I don't know.


What do you think you think the last Fallout should be about?

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ideas you state dont seem very FallOut like. you wouldnt join the army and fight and stuff, and if thats what you do in the last Fall Out i wont buy it. i like the idea of being a/the Lone Wanderer. i like the idea of no matter what situation i walk into, no matter how many others are afraid to do something, or have failed, me and my badassness in the Wasteland can achieve that situation. i like to be alone (or with my companion) and just do whatever we want. and that wouldnt happen if we were part of the military.....i like the feeling of whatever is going down, im the only one who can stop it.



as for where it is. dont care. as long as its not a freaking desert again. give me something where i can see the destruction of the bombs, the remnants of my country, and the (failed) attempts to survive in the wasteland. New York wouldnt be bad, cause of the subways and buildings...Boston also wouldnt be bad, thats where the Commonwealth is supposed to be and that has always played a suspicious role....Florida possibly, with the Everglades (Point Lookout) really any city would work....i always wondered what post apocalyptic Hawai'i would be like ;)

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to be completely honest, i would like to see fallout revert away from the FPS style it is now, and to the old RPG style it had before.

im not really a shooter-fan, and as much as i enjoy the ambience of FO3, i quickly get quite sick of the repetitive non-stop shooting.


since, realistically, theres no way back from the 1st person style, i would at least want a lot more desolateness. since im scandinavian, i would love some sort of north-scandinavian tundra-wasteland scenario. and wastes upon wastes between settlements. i miss the relatively crowded settlemends of FO2, so in the few places there are settlements, i would want there to be quite a lot of people, and tons of minor quests


i would like a whole range of "shitty" weapons, ammunition should be hard to find, and something to cling on to, and use with caution.


the setting would be roughly corresponding to this map


that would make me happe :D

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i dont mind a big map, but like i said, i dont like baron. ie New Vegas. there is nothing cool about a post apocalyptic desert. it was baron before the war, there is no sense of WOW when im looking at a nuked desert as opposed to a nuked city...


what made DC so special is i (and many others) had been there. so seeing a place we had been, nuked, was quite amazing. i remember walking through the Arlington National Cemetery in FO3 and remembering walking there in real life....cant say that about a desert, and again, even if i had been to Vegas, not much is gunna change about the desert.

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ideas you state dont seem very FallOut like. you wouldnt join the army and fight and stuff, and if thats what you do in the last Fall Out i wont buy it. i like the idea of being a/the Lone Wanderer. i like the idea of no matter what situation i walk into, no matter how many others are afraid to do something, or have failed, me and my badassness in the Wasteland can achieve that situation. i like to be alone (or with my companion) and just do whatever we want. and that wouldnt happen if we were part of the military.....i like the feeling of whatever is going down, im the only one who can stop it.



as for where it is. dont care. as long as its not a freaking desert again. give me something where i can see the destruction of the bombs, the remnants of my country, and the (failed) attempts to survive in the wasteland. New York wouldnt be bad, cause of the subways and buildings...Boston also wouldnt be bad, thats where the Commonwealth is supposed to be and that has always played a suspicious role....Florida possibly, with the Everglades (Point Lookout) really any city would work....i always wondered what post apocalyptic Hawai'i would be like ;)


Yeah you got a point about the military thing I forgot how that kind of took away from Tactics event though that game was fun. Maybe they can do a Lonewolf option and then a squad option. I would just really like to see society being rebuilt in the last one. Honestly I thought Fallout 2 was the end because the computer (no the chi emperor) tells you want started the war. And then you destroyed the remnants of the American forces. So things kind of, to me, seemed to be over. Tactics was okay as well but I like I said there was no room for exploring...It'd be nice if they could redo that game but let you do more exploring and letting you decide who will receive add or who will perish.


Actually there was no mention about the calculator...hmmm that could be an interesting DLC.


Anyway as I've said before I'll play any Fallout they put in front of me and yeah Hawaii would be a nice place to see or Japan. I just want some vehicle action in the last one. Yeah fast travel alleviates the need for them but there is nothing like rolling into battle with a freakin tank. Or blowing them away with a vertibird(available when you either beat the game or towards the end having it the whole game would be fun but boring at the same time. and yes its not very Fallout like but I hate looking at vehicles that I can't climb into.)


I would also appreciate the enemies jumping you and then when they see that its you they stop and run away saying "I'll just wait to kill you when you fall asleep."


I just hope they don't drop the ball with last one like they did with New Vegas...they should've have done New Reno if they were going to do anything and have the son, of one Angela Bishop, run the place. That would've been a great story to tell instead of person that chased down some stupid chip it was an okay story but they could've done way better.


Oh and new weapons.

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i dont mind a big map, but like i said, i dont like baron. ie New Vegas. there is nothing cool about a post apocalyptic desert. it was baron before the war, there is no sense of WOW when im looking at a nuked desert as opposed to a nuked city...


what made DC so special is i (and many others) had been there. so seeing a place we had been, nuked, was quite amazing. i remember walking through the Arlington National Cemetery in FO3 and remembering walking there in real life....cant say that about a desert, and again, even if i had been to Vegas, not much is gunna change about the desert.



Yeah DC was great. F03 was great to me because the destruction was in your face while 1 and 2 the destruction was just....destruction there was no emotion involved you were just there kicking ass and taking names. Great stories, the both of them, but I felt emotionally attached to things in F03.

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