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Deleting CELL info with TESSnip


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The one on the left is from a Novac Motel Room mod. It has lightswitches. The problem is that it *might* conflict with Interior Lightning Overhaul, since it also changes the player's Novac Room. (Not sure what REFs are imported to the bashed patch.)


Can I delete the CELL (NovacPlayersRoom) on the left and expect the one on the left to have no conflicts? Or are there more GRUPS with information about what's in that cell?

Edited by Yoshh
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It pretty much will delete whatever additions or changes the plugin makes in that particular cell. Since it's just lighting, I'm sure you're good.


Just know that TeSSnip can be the "short way out" when trying to cut modifications out of more complex plugins. Meaning you could run into problems.


Finally, if that is the only cell your mod "modifies", then I would just cut the entire "GROUP (CELL)" in the root directory.

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